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Tackling Distraction in Large Lecture Courses

Our advice for instructors and students is informed by findings from a survey conducted by the Academic Technology Design Team (ATDT) and ASSETT.

Key findings include:

  • The average class size at CU Boulder is 97 students (median = 51 students).
  • During their freshman and sophomore years, more than half of an average student's courses are offered in a large lecture format. By their fourth year, that figure drops to about one-fourth (24%).
  • Nearly half of the respondents (48%) indicated that they dislike large lecture courses.
  • Among the students surveyed, 57 percent indicated that they are distracted at least half the time in their large lecture courses.
  • The top two causes of distraction stem from the behavior of other students in the classroom: 74 percent of students reported being distracted by other students talking and 70 percent by other students' screens/devices.

What to do? Review these materials for insights, ideas, and strategies for getting the most from large lecture courses.

For more information, read about the project in the EDUCAUSE Review.

Female student using a mobile phone in a large lecture class