This form is for preapproval of courses with Arts and Sciences content from institutions other than CU Boulder for review for MAPS, General Education, or general electives or major ancillary requirements prior to taking the course. Courses for Major or Minor requirements should be taken to your academic advisor for preapproval by the department. Your advisor can also help you with course selection for MAPS, General Education and ancillary requirements. Please read through all of the following information before filling out and submitting the form.

You may submit up to 4 courses at a time from a single institution using this online form. If you are considering taking courses at more than one institution, please submit a separate online form for each institution.

Please allow 3-5 weeks for processing of your transfer credit pre-approval.

Very Important! Prior to filling out this form, please verify that the evaluations for the courses are NOT already available on the website (right click on the link to make it open in a new window). If a course is listed on Transferology, it will automatically transfer as it is listed there, so there is no need to submit the course for review again.

•  There are two ways to research how courses will transfer to the University of Colorado at Boulder. Pick the statement below that best matches your situation and follow the instructions to find courses:


"I know exactly which course(s) I need at CU Boulder and I want to find classes from other schools that are equivalent to the CU course(s)."

  • Click on "Find a Replacement Course"  in the upper right. Type the four-letter code of the department of the CU course (e.g. EBIO, PSYC, MATH, etc.).
  • Then click on the + symbol to add the CU Boulder courses you are looking for. You may add as many courses from as many different departments as you wish.
  • Once you’ve added all your courses, click on "Search for Matches" above the list of courses.
  • Schools that have classes equivalent to one or more of the CU courses you picked will be listed. You can use the filters on the righthand side to narrow the list of schools.

"I know which school(s) I may attend and I want to research whether classes there can fulfill requirements for my CU Boulder degree."

  • Click on "Will My Courses transfer" in the upper right.
  • Type the School Name of the institution where you plan to take classes, the term (semester or quarter) you plan to attend, and the department(s) of the course(s) you may be taking.
  • Then click on the + symbol by the course(s) you are planning to take.
  • You may add as many courses from as many institutions as you wish.
  • Once you’ve added all courses you are considering, click on "Search for Matches" above the list of courses.
  • The University of Colorado Boulder should appear at the top of the list of schools. Click on the "%Match" button next to “University of Colorado Boulder.”
  • Courses appearing in the “Matches” tab have been previously evaluated and will transfer as indicated. Where available, click on the symbol for additional information about what requirements that course may apply toward. Courses appearing in the “Misses” tab do not transfer to CU Boulder. If you have further questions about how these courses might apply to your degree requirements, please consult your advisor.
  • Courses in “Maybe” tab have not been evaluated for transferability to CU and may be entered on the Transfer Credit Preapproval form below.

Upon completion of the transfer work, it is the student's responsibility to request that the transfer institution email an official transcript to or mail an official transcript to: Admissions Processing, University of Colorado 552 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309. Once the work has transferred contact your advisor for necessary follow-up.

Note: Credits generally transfer as indicated on the final official transcript. Upper/lower division and number of quarter/semester credits completed are usually determined by the official transcript from the transfer institution. 1 quarter hour = .67 semester hour

Courses will be considered for transfer only if earned with grades of "C-" or better (or equivalent to 1.7 or better on a 4.0 scale) at an accredited university or college.

Though courses from other institutions may be fully transferable, use of transfer work in a degree program is subject to all limitations on course work specified in the Arts & Sciences section of the CU catalog and subject to final approval by the Dean's Office in consultation with faculty in the appropriate disciplines. Information about policies regarding transfer credit can be found in the University Catalog.

We will NOT accept:
• Remedial courses or those courses that are necessary to correct academic deficiencies in English, Math (includes some business math courses), Reading, Science or
Developmental Reading.
• Vocational-technical courses that are offered at two-year institutions and proprietary institutions.
• Religion courses that constitute specialized religious training or are of a doctrinal nature.
• Credit earned through work experience or through a cooperative education program.
• Outdoor leadership and related courses through Outward Bound, NOLS or similar programs.
• Physical education activity courses.

Arts and Sciences students must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours in University of Colorado courses on the Boulder campus. Of these 45 credits, a minimum of 30 credits must be Arts and Sciences upper-division credit hours completed as a matriculated student in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

At least 12 of these upper-division hours must be in the major. A maximum of 6 credit hours taken at other University of Colorado campuses (CU-Denver and CU-Colorado Springs) can be counted toward the minimum 45 credits required on the Boulder campus. Courses taken while on CU-Boulder study abroad programs, through CU-Boulder continuing education, or CU-Boulder correspondence courses are considered to be in residence.

Student athletes- Check with Athletic Academic Coordinator for NCAA verification.

Students planning to go on a non-CU sponsored Study Abroad program or study independently at a non-U.S. Institution: We are not able to preapprove courses offered at schools outside the U.S.* or by study abroad programs not approved by CU’s Study Abroad office. Such courses may or may not receive transfer credit and may or may not apply to remaining degree requirements. This course work will be evaluated only after we receive an official transcript with grades.


*Although we will not preapprove courses for most international institutions, we have thoroughly reviewed the following courses taught by American professors during the summer session at certain institutions in China through the Lion Global Educational Consortium ( If taken at one of the Lion Global Educational Consortium institutions, these courses will transfer with the course equivalencies listed below, so there is no need to submit these courses for preapproval. If a particular Arts and Sciences course you would like to take through this program is not listed, please submit it to our website for preapproval before taking the course. Non-Arts and Sciences courses should be submitted to for preapproval.

You must earn a grade of C- or higher to receive credit for transfer courses. The courses must transfer as 2.7 semester credits or more to receive exact equivalents and to meet a Core or General Education requirement. Courses that are listed as exact equivalents to a CU course will apply to all degree requirements that the equivalent CU course applies to and for all courses without a direct CU equivalent (courses ending in 999TC), the degree requirements they will apply to have been posted below.

Lion Global Educational Consortium Preapproved Courses:

Course         Course Title                                 CU Equivalent      Applies to:

ANT115          Cultural Diversity in the United States     ANTH1999TC          General Education Social Science & U.S. Diversity

ART105          Intro to Photography                                ARTS1999TC          General Education Arts & Humanities

ART110          History of Western Art 1                           ARTH1999TC          Core Literature & Arts, General Education Arts & Humanities

ART115          History of Western Art 2                          ARTH1999TC           General Education Arts & Humanities

ART116          History of Asian Art                                 ARTH1999TC           General Education Arts & Humanities

BIO101           Intro Biology for Non-Majors                  EBIO1999TC            Core and General Education Natural Sciences

BIO102           Intro Biology Lab for Non-Majors           EBIO1999TC            Core and General Education Natural Sciences Lab

CHI101           Elementary Mandarin                             CHIN1999TC           General Education Arts & Humanities (If Foreign Language requirement has been met)

CHM101         Intro to Chemistry                                  CHEM1999TC           Core and General Education Natural Sciences

ECO201         Intro to Microeconomics                         ECON2010

ECO202         Into to Macroeconomics                         ECON2020

ECO301        Money & Banking                                  ECON3999TC          General Education Social Sciences

ENG276         American Literature After 1900               ENGL2999TC           General Education Arts & Humanities

ENV101          Intro to Environmental Studies               ENVS1000

FMS101          Intro to Film/Media Studies                   FILM1999TC             General Education Arts & Humanities

GEO101         Intro to Geology                                     GEOL1010

HST107          Development of China                            HIST1999TC             General Education Arts & Humanities

HST116          World History Since 1500                      HIST1999TC             General Education Arts & Humanities

HST216          American History 1865-Present            HIST1025

MTH111          Calculus 1                                           MATH1300

MTH201          Intro to Linear Algebra                          MATH2130

MTH211          Calculus 2                                            MATH2300

MTH212         Calculus 3                                             MATH2400

PHI101           Intro to Philosophy                                PHIL1000

PHY101         Physics Fundamentals                          PHYS1010

POL215         Intro to International Relations              PSCI2223

PSY101        Intro to Psychology                               PSYC1001

REL101         World Religions                                      RLST1620

SOC215        Intro to Sociology                                  SOCY1001

STA201         Intro to Statistics                                   MATH2510

WMS101      Intro Women/Gender Studies                WGST1016

WRT101       College Composition 1                           WRTG1150

WRT110       Intro to Creative Writing                         ENGL1191

Please check out our FAQ page or email
***This must be your official CU email address or you will not receive a response. All official correspondence with the University must be via your CU email address.
Note: Credits generally transfer as indicated on the final official transcript. Upper/lower division and number of quarter/semester credits completed are usually determined by the official transcript from the transfer institution. 1 quarter hour = .67 semester hour
Please select the degree requirement(s) you would like this course to apply to (click into box and scroll to see all options). Courses you want to apply to major or minor requirements should be taken to your academic advisor. If you want the course to apply to an ancillary requirement in the major, please chose “ancillary requirement for major” in the list above.
Copy and paste an official course description from the College or University's web site for the course you are considering taking. Alternatively, you can upload the course description or syllabus below.
Please upload the official course description from the institution or an official syllabus for the course.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif rtf pdf doc docx.
Please select the degree requirement(s) you would like this course to apply to (click into box and scroll to see all options). Courses you want to apply to major or minor requirements should be taken to your academic advisor. If you want the course to apply to an ancillary requirement in the major, please chose “ancillary requirement for major” in the list above.
Copy and paste an official course description from the College or University's web site for the course you are considering taking. Alternatively, you can upload the course description or syllabus below.
Please upload the official course description from the institution or an official syllabus for the course.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif txt rtf pdf doc docx.
Please select the degree requirement(s) you would like this course to apply to (click into box and scroll to see all options). Courses you want to apply to major or minor requirements should be taken to your academic advisor. If you want the course to apply to an ancillary requirement in the major, please chose “ancillary requirement for major” in the list above.
Copy and paste an official course description from the College or University's web site for the course you are considering taking. Alternatively, you can upload the course description or syllabus below.
Please upload the official course description from the institution or an official syllabus for the course.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif rtf pdf doc docx.
Please select the degree requirement(s) you would like this course to apply to (click into box and scroll to see all options). Courses you want to apply to major or minor requirements should be taken to your academic advisor. If you want the course to apply to an ancillary requirement in the major, please chose “ancillary requirement for major” in the list above.
Copy and paste an official course description from the College or University's web site for the course you are considering taking. Alternatively, you can upload the course description or syllabus below.
Please upload the official course description from the institution or an official syllabus for the course.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif rtf pdf doc docx.