Instructors working with ALI to develop courses with that will be hosted on the Coursera platform should complete the form below to include a guest presenter.
Ensure you and your guest presenter(s) know what to expect.
- Inform your LXD: Discuss any guest presenter plans with your Learning Experience Designer (LXD). Note that your LXD may bring in a Video Production Assistant (VPA) to help plan, record, edit, and upload the guest lessons
- Find an interested presenter: Ensure your guest presenter is interested and willing to participate in your course, and that they understand the considerations outlined here.
- Release required before launch: Guest presenters must sign a release before the related online course launches. ALI's admin team will prepare and send the release form after receiving the request form below. It is your responsibility as the course author to ensure the guest signs the release form by the relevant course launch deadlines.
- This is pro bono work: Guest presenters do not receive compensation for their time. However, guest speakers maintain intellectual property rights to their presentations.
- Content may be available publicly: Non-credit course content is publicly available on Coursera for learners to audit, while for-credit content is only available to learners who have paid CU Boulder tuition and enrolled in the course. As part of our marketing efforts, ALI and scaled online degree programs may post individual course videos on YouTube or other platforms to promote courses.
- More info: Feel free to share our sample Guest Presenter Release with more details.
Request a guest presenter release and add the presentation to your course.
Complete the form below to request a guest presenter release form. Then, ALI's admin team will draft a release form and send it to the guest presenter via DocuSign. Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure the guest presenter completes this form on time. You can work with your guest presenter, LXD, and/or VPA to plan, record, edit, and upload the guest lessons to your course at any time, but the signed release must be on file before guest video presentations can be included in a launched course. Once the guest presenter signs the release form, ALI's admin team will send a copy to you, the guest presenter, the LXD, and anyone else you list below.