Musician’s Professional Toolbox: Your Portfolio Career Specialization

This online music specialization is ideal for those interested in acquiring the skills to launch and sustain a portfolio career consisting of a range of musical endeavors. Course topics include building a professional network, identifying tools for developing a brand, promoting yourself through a variety of channels, developing strategies to find and book performances, and defining and tracking your goals.

By completing this specialization, you will be able to:

  • Articulate your purpose as a musician in a professional mission statement and develop a personal brand and social media strategy
  • Assemble a portfolio of promotional materials, including a professional biography, headshot and resume/CV
  • Build tools for networking and task management
  • Create a visual representation of your intermediate and long-term career goals to help keep you on track and assess your progress


  • Building Your Artistic Brand
  • Launching Your Music Career
  • Promotional Materials Every Musician Needs
  • Strategies for Success in Your Music Career​

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