Our greatest asset in this visioning effort is our community. You have great ideas about where we should be headed. To make sure that we hear all of these ideas, campus leadership invites you to gather together and develop community white papers.

The deadline for submitting a white paper has passed. If you have a question about white papers, please email Academic Futures. 

To view and download white papers as a whole, please use this link


Achieving a Smoke Free Campus (Mitton)

The author calls for tougher enforcement of the campus’s existing no smoking policy.

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences: Advancing CU Boulder’s Strategic Goals (Corwin et al)

The authors provide a model for CU Boulder to greatly expanding already robust undergraduate research experiences built on apprenticeship models by adopting Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences that allow whole classes of students to address a research question that is of interest to a scientific or local community.

Mediterranean Studies: Diversity, Interdisciplinarity & the Study of the West (Catlos)

The author posits that by creating a Center for Mediterranean Studies the campus could expand its commitment to interdisciplinarity in the Humanities and build on an emerging program of strength on the campus.

Building a Tradition: the CU Boulder Legacy Walk (Chinowsky, Hilliard, et al)

The authors propose creating a physical walk across campus – with the Norlin Quad as a centerpiece – to encounter the remarkable stories of past CU students, faculty, administrators who made extraordinary contributions to the campus, the state, the nation and the world, often against great odds and societal barriers. The goal is to inspire students to continue this legacy of believing in and serving things larger than the self.

Increasing the Capacity for Change at CU (Wise, Corbo, Quan & Gammon)

The authors propose that the campus adopt a change model patterned on the Department Action Team (DAT) structure – a group consisting of four to eight faculty members, staff and and/or students designed to create sustainable change about broad scale issues.

Social Integration in an Academic Community: Metacognition and Cross-Campus Collaboration (SASC & SUEP co-authors)

The authors propose using metacognition via self-reflection to create positive relationships between and among faculty, advisors, other mentors, and students, resulting in increased affinity and retention.

Global Ambassadors (Kamminga-Peck, Hallock Adderholt, McCarthy)

The authors describe the role of CU Boulder’s Global Ambassadors in creating a new international positioning of CU Boulder.

The Media Archaeology Lab as Platform for Undoing and Reimagining Humanities Scholarship (Emerson)

The author proposes a working Media Archeology Lab – a hands-on, interactive type of lab – as a model for CU and beyond in changing humanities scholarship.

A New Model of Final Examinations (Harbor)

The author argues for creating a final exam model that emphasizes semester-long learning over final exam results.

Proposal to Create a CU-Boulder Institute for the Arts (Amerika, Auguiste, Boord et al)

The authors advocate for an Institute of the Arts at CU Boulder that would be a catalyst facilitating and strengthening connections between faculty and students in the arts, focus on art making and learning, and being an incubator for creative work and a hub for experiments in pedagogy.
