Our greatest asset in this visioning effort is our community. You have great ideas about where we should be headed. To make sure that we hear all of these ideas, campus leadership invites you to gather together and develop community white papers.

The deadline for submitting a white paper has passed. If you have a question about white papers, please email Academic Futures. 

To view and download white papers as a whole, please use this link


A New Kind of Majors (Leiderman)

The author suggests offering broad interdisciplinary and interdivisional “mini-majors” that would capture the interest of undecided freshmen.

The Idea of Our University II: Making it Real (Braider)

The author follows up his first similarly-themed submission with an outline of what concrete steps the university should take to create a clearer picture of the university’s fundamental mission and identity – rooted in a liberal arts education.

The Idea of Our University (Braider)

The author calls for the creation of a focused sense of identity and purpose, rooted in the Humanities and based on asking core questions about the liberal arts and their inspirational and functional roles at the University.

Proposal to Create an Arts and Sciences Honors College at CU Boulder (Dike)

The author suggests a form and function for an honors college that would create a “new and exciting unit at the university that would provide our best undergraduates with an immersive academic experience,” creating a “showpiece unit” at CU Boulder.

How Can Advising Best Serve the Needs of Students, Academic Unites and the University? (Chester and Rousseau)

The authors, using the advising model in the Program in International Affairs, set forth three key principles they claim should be operative in making advisors important partners in the work of academic units to ensure a constructive and engaged academic environment for students.

A Strategic Neighborhood Vision for the College of Arts & Sciences (Tupper)

The author proposes five infrastructure goals for Arts & Sciences that facilitate “a clear and crisp vision for the future and reiterate the importance of letting the mission of the colleges drive how infrastructure funds are invested.

A Strategic Plan for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Colorado (Pflaum)

The author envisions a way for to create a strategic plan for Mathematics that unites research in and teaching of mathematics in one Department of Mathematics while creating a Department of Statistics and Computational Sciences, among other recommendations.

Creating Pathways for Two-Year College Transfer (Yowell, et al.)

The authors hold that by integrating and engaging departments and faculty in the Academic Futures endeavor, CU Boudler could close the gap in creating a more coherent, strategic pathway to recruit and support Colorado community college transfer students.

On Making the Humanities Productive (in the Undergraduate Curriculum and Beyond) (Hoecker)

The author calls for “making the Humanities as productive as we can be” by creating incentives to develop new courses, make research more accessible to students and widen horizons by listening to what students have to contribute.

Recognizing and rewarding excellence in both teaching and scholarly achievement for assistant professors moving through tenure and promotion (Martin, et al)

The authors propose a plan to reward faculty members up for promotion from assistant to associate professor who have achieved excellence in teaching and scholarly achievement by awarding them a larger salary adjustment drawn from dean’s office funds or other funds pooled at higher-than-department levels.
