At the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters, the Program Assistant (PA) will send an e-mail to all Graduate Faculty with a list of the graduate students scheduled to take their exams during that semester.

The Committee Chair (CC) for each student sends the PA confirmation of the exam and the members of the student's committee members or, if the student is not taking the stated exam, information on when the exam will be taken.

It is important that the PA receives this information within one week of the e-mail. There are deadlines that must be met by both the student and PA to comply with Graduate School rules.

The CC meets with the student to discuss the exam format. Please refer to Graduate Program Exam FAQs How my exams are scheduled? For Ph.D. dissertation and graduation information go to Ph.D. Defense and Graduation.

One week prior to the start of the exam the CC sends the questions to the PA in the order they are to be given to the student.

To schedule the oral exams it is imperative the Program Assistant is given a minimum two weeks notice Prior to an Oral Exam or Ph.D. Defense.

Please consult: