Our students have been published in a wide range of publications—from local newspapers, online publications, and radio stations like Boulder Weekly, Boulder Reporting Lab, and KUNC to regional magazines like High Country News and Aspen Journalism, to national news outlets like TIME and National Geographic News. In many cases, students received prestigious, nationally competitive internships with these publications, and later become editorial staff members or reporters. Below is a sample of some of their work (click on the image to view).

 The unseen toll of the Marshall Fire’s ‘standing home’ survivors

 Bradley Markle)

A Navajo Tribal Utility Authority lineman uses a pole to flip a circuit switch on Sept. 1 in Westwater, Utah, connecting the Navajo community to the electrical grid for the first time. (Photos by Shannon Mullane, Special to The Colorado Sun)

 Winners and Losers in Warming Arctic

 Breaking Bad Ivory

Ancient Native Americans Ate Pachyderms; Site Challenges Theory of Where New World Culture Bega The First Look at Arctic Life on Ice Through the Eyes of a Polar Bear Muzzled by Monsanto Understanding the Debate over POPs in Norwegian Farmed Salmon Two-Headed Dolphin Is Super Rare Homegrown success While Obama Moves to Curb Carbon Emissions, Svalbard Prepares to Capture Them The cost of tilting at the 4/20 windmill