Anne Becher

  • Teaching Associate Professor
  • Spanish 1010 & 1150 Coordinator
  • Secondary Spanish Teaching Certificate Advisor
  • Interim MLP Coordinator
Office Hours

Spring 2025 office hours: Tuesdays 11am - 12pm, in person or on Zoom

McKenna 132C

Courses Coordinated and Taught

Anne Becher (M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics, CU-Boulder, 1992) coordinates first-year Spanish courses 1010, 1020 and 1150.  She regularly teaches Advanced Rhetoric and Composition (SPAN 3010), Methods of Teaching Spanish (SPAN 4650), Theory and Methods of Language Learning and Pedagogy (SPAN 4980) and other upper-division courses.  She trains new graduate student instructors during their first semester in our program.

Secondary Spanish Teaching Certificate Advising

Anne is our Department's Secondary Spanish Teaching Certificate Advisor.  Please see the Department's Training in Spanish Language Teaching (link to that webpage) webpage for more information.


Anne is co-author of Puntos de partida (McGraw Hill) 9th (2012), 10th (2017) and 11th (2021) editions.  She has written and edited reference books (Biodiversity, ABC-Clio, 1998; American Environmental Leaders: From colonial times to the present, ABC-Clio 2000, Greyhouse 2008, 2018, co-written and edited with Joseph Richey) and she co-wrote with Beatrice Blake, The New Key to Costa Rica, a guidebook with new editions that came out almost every year between 1986 and 2009.  She co-edited with Joseph Richey the bilingual literary journal La Selva Subterranea between 1987 and 1996.


Professional affiliations and activities

Anne works closely with two state organizations supporting Spanish teaching in Colorado: she serves on the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)-Colorado Board of Directors and coordinates the Mentoring Program for the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers.  She regularly attends and presents at those organizations' conferences.

With Nina Molinaro she shared the inaugural CU Dialogues 2019 Faculty Fellowship.

See more information on Anne and her work here.