2022 EDGE ABS Workshop - July 19, 2022

Welcome to the official website for "From genes to behavior: Functional genetic tools in diverse organisms," a workshop of the 2022 Animal Behavior Society Meeting!

This wokshop will provide broad perspectives on existing and emerging gene manipulation technologies, followed by exploration of their potential uses in diverse species to explore animal behavior. Whether you are a PI already considering grant applications using these technologies, a trainee interested in learning best practices, or someone seeking to critically evaluate emerging literature on gene editing, we encourage you to attend this workshop and contribute to our collective learning on these topics.

This workshop addresses the need to bring together functional geneticists developing novel methods to manipulate the genome with biologists interested in diverse behavioral questions. By enabling the widespread dissemination of newly developed, agile functional genetic tools to researchers with expertise in neuroethology and behavioral ecology, we will facilitate the next era of innovation in the study of the genetic basis of behavior.




Looking for an Expert? Start With This List!

Species-Specific Resources

VoleBase (A resource-sharing database for scientists working with voles)

Cichlid Research (Information about Cichlid fishes for hobbyists, aquarists and scientists. Includes the Cichlid Egg Project - an online project inviting aquarists to get involved in science.)

Workshop Discussion Topics

  • All About Designing gRNAs
  • Viral Vector Technologies & Challenges of Applying Them Across Taxa
  • Flavors of CRISPR (Single Strand Nuclease, Editing, Etc.)
  • Non-CRISPR Approaches
  • Interpreting & Understanding Emerging Literature
  • Considerations for Studying Naturalistic Behavior

Speakers & Areas of Research

Zoe Donaldson - University of Colorado Boulder - Voles

        Workshop Introduction

Roberto Márquez - University of Michigan - Poison Frogs

Presenting: "Fancy frogs: Developing functional genomic technologies in poison frogs" and "CRISPR in the Classroom"

For additional information: "Bringing immersive science to undergraduate laboratory courses using CRISPR gene knockouts in frogs and butterflies"

Devanand Manoli - University of California, San Francisco & Meredith Loth - University of Colorado Boulder - Voles

Presenting: "Making and breaking monogamy: Germline transgenesis in voles"

Cheng-Yu Li - University of Maryland, College Park - Cichlids

Presenting: "One lake, many species: Cichlid genetic engineering"

Claudio Mello - Oregon Health & Science University - Zebra Finches

Presenting: "Eggs of a different color: genome manipulation in zebra finches"

Richard Fandino Cornell University - Hawkmoths

Presenting: "Adaptation through gene regulatory architecture: Transforming hawkmoths into genetic models of co-evolution"

Floria Mora-Kepfer Uy University of Rochester - Wasps

Presenting: "Transcriptomic and functional genomic approaches to study complex social phenotypes in wasps"

Usan Dan University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Threespined Sticklebacks

Presenting: "Friendly or feisty: Viral-mediated transgenesis in threespined stickleback"

Discussion Facilitator

Meredith Loth - University of Colorado Boulder - Post-Doctoral Fellow


Contact Zoe Donaldson at zoe.donaldson@colorado.edu