Recent Press Releases

UN CERD Review of U.S. August 2022

From Perpetuating Rights Violations to Overarching FPIC Failure, the UN CERD Review of the U.S. Gave Unprecedented Attention to Indigenous Peoples

Oct. 6, 2022

Following First Peoples Worldwide’s support of early action requests by the Gwich’in and Anishinaabe, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination uplifted a litany of Indigenous concerns in the formal review of the U.S.’s obligation to end racial discrimination.

ISSB Header

Corporate Risk Reporting and Indigenous Peoples: The International Sustainability Standards Board

Oct. 4, 2022

This article looks at the formation and function of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and ways Indigenous Peoples can get involved.

Gwich'in DC Engagement May 2022

As Oil and Gas Interests Exit the Arctic Refuge and Insurers Join Banks with Protective Policy, Full Protection Remains Critical for Sacred Land of the Gwich’in

Oct. 3, 2022

A string of successes from the Gwich’in Steering Committee’s corporate engagement strategy have edged the Gwich’in closer to full protection for their sacred land and animals.

Cultural Survival SIRGE Image

First Peoples Worldwide Joins Indigenous-led Coalition that Promotes Rights-Centered Transition to the Clean Energy Economy

Aug. 5, 2022

First Peoples Worldwide is among several organizations to provide leadership to a new coalition to Secure Indigenous People’s Rights in a Green Economy (SIRGE Coalition). To commemorate the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the SIRGE Coalition will launch its website on August 9.

UNPFII 21 Session Via

At UNPFII Twenty-First Session, Indigenous Leaders Demand Better FPIC Implementation from Transnational Businesses and Highlight Indigenous-led Solutions

June 30, 2022

Takeaways from Indigenous leadership at the Twenty-First Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Honor the Earth Manoomin Ricing Gif

United Nations Responds a Second Time to Violations of Anishinaabe Rights, Signals Priorities for Imminent Review of U.S.’s Racial Discrimination Record

June 13, 2022

With ongoing and escalating human rights violations to the Anishinaabe, UN CERD responded to a second request for action, recommending suspension of the Line 3 pipeline until FPIC is granted, investigation into violence against Indigenous women and protestors, and more.

UNPFII 2022 Session

UNPFII 2022 Side Events: Indigenous-led Transition Minerals Panel and FPIC Leadership Training 

April 8, 2022

First Peoples Worldwide presents a high-level panel on Indigenous-led transition minerals solutions and a leadership training to elevate FPIC in transition mineral development at the Twenty-First Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

SEC Climate Rule Proposal

SEC Climate Rule: A Good First Step for ESG but Falls Short without Consideration of Indigenous Peoples

March 31, 2022

The SEC’s rule to standardize climate-related disclosures is an important step to help companies and investors identify risk, but falls short without consideration of impacts to Indigenous Peoples.

Menominee River

Without Menominee Consent, New Back Forty Mine Developers Do Not Have Social License to Operate

March 18, 2022

The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin has opposed mining that threatens their sacred land, resources, culture, and lifeways; new owners of a major development project must solicit their free, prior, and informed consent.


New SEC Rule Must Integrate Respect for Indigenous Rights to Address Climate Crisis and Fulfill Global ESG Commitments

March 11, 2022

With a new climate risk rule being proposed by the SEC, investors have raised concerns that Indigenous Peoples’ rights are not adequately considered in ESG and climate due diligence
