Profile picture of Saad Ansari
Research/Teaching Assistant

Office: Duane physics F511

Research Interests

I'm primarily interested in the behavior of microtubules during mitosis in fission yeast. Microtubules, which are the cytoskeletal component of the mitotic spindle, exhibit dynamic instability where they undergo irregular growing and shrinking phases. My role is to process videos from a library of yeast strains and search for patterns in microtubular dynamics using feature tracking. This betters our understanding of the biological parameters needed to develop accurate computer simulations.


  • B.S in Physics and Mathematics, cum laude, Bates College 2014

Honors and Awards

  • Phi Beta Kappa Society Member, 2014-Present
  • Departmental Honors in Physics, Bates College, 2014
  • Mount David Research Fellowship, 2012 & 2013