Erin Higgins

  • Research Associate

Office/lab address: Porter Biosciences Building, room B019


My work focuses on the biochemistry of S. pombe kinesin-5 motors during mitosis; particularly how it is possible to isolate native folds of these yeast proteins from bacteria or other model systems for use in motility assays. We seek to combine our understanding of previous of in silico and in vitro models of how these kinesin motors move, and how this movement is influenced by their environment and other biophysical factors.


  • B.S. Biochemistry, cum laude, Ithaca College, 2018

Honors and Awards

  • ​Dr. Glenn Vogel and Dr. Marjorie Chelly Chemistry Education Award, 2017
  • Tri Beta Biological Honor Society, 2017-present
  • L. Hill and A. Newens Scholarship, 2014-2018


  • ASBMB Ithaca College Chapter Vice President, 2017-2018