Bojun (Luke) Zhou

  • Research/Teaching Assistant

Office: Duane physics F511

Research Interests

I am interested in the physics of cell division and related biophysics. Specifically, I would like to understand how the localization and movement of motor proteins impacts mitotic cell division. Currently, I am working on the fluorescent microscopy image analysis of a kinesin-5 motor protein (cut7) in fission yeast. I developed software to track the movement of cut7 in vivo and make kymographs of the fluorescently tagged molecules in an automated fashion. My future research interests are developing novel laboratory techniques and robust computational software to understand the effects of genetic/protein mutation on cell division. 


  • B.S. in Physics (with Minors in Mathematics and Astronomy), Summa Cum Laude, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ, 2018

Honors and Awards

  • Matthew Leydt Society, Rutgers University, 2018

  • Herman Y. Carr Scholarship, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, 2017