Cell image

Zach Gergely's paper accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell

April 26, 2016

Zachary Gergely's paper "Kinesin-8 effects on mitotic microtubule dynamics contribute to spindle function in fission yeast" was accepted by Molecular Biology of the Cell .

Profile picture of Meredith Betterton

Meredith Betterton awarded LEAP grant

April 6, 2016

Meredith Betterton received an Associate Professor Growth Grant through the University of Colorado's LEAP program to partially fund a stage-top rapid temperature controller for microscopy.

Phase diagram

Phase-plane analysis of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with binding kinetics and switching between antiparallel lanes

April 3, 2016

Inspired by experiments on the motion of kinesin-4 motors on antiparallel microtubule overlaps, we analyze a model incorporating the TASEP on two antiparallel lanes with binding kinetics and lane switching.

Phase plane

Hui-Shun Kuan's preprint posted on arXiv

April 3, 2016

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper "Phase-plane analysis of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with binding kinetics and switching between antiparallel lanes" was posted on the arXiv preprint server today.

Cartoon of motors dynamics on antiparallel MTs

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper accepted by the Biophysical Journal

March 29, 2016

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper "Motor protein accumulation on antiparallel microtubule overlaps" was accepted by the Biophysical Journal .

Soft matter journal inside cover

Robert Blackwell's paper and cover image published in Soft Matter

March 14, 2016

Robert Blackwell's paper "Microscopic origins of anisotropic active stress in motor-driven nematic liquid crystals" was published in the latest issue of Soft Matter , and was selected for an inside cover image .

Picture of phase diagram (thumbnail)

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper published in Physical Review E

Dec. 31, 2015

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper "Hysteresis, reentrance, and glassy dynamics in systems of self-propelled rods" was published in the latest issue of Physical Review E .

Picture showing 2-D simulations of MT-Kinesin active matter

Robert Blackwell's paper published in Physical Review E

Dec. 10, 2015

Robert Blackwell's paper (with Tony Gao) "Multiscale modeling and simulation of microtubule/motor protein assemblies" was published in Physical Review E .

Picture of phase diagram (thumbnail)

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper accepted by Physical Review E

Nov. 24, 2015

Hui-Shun Kuan's paper "Hysteresis, reentrance, and glassy dynamics in systems of self-propelled rods" was accepted for publication in Physical Review E .

Filaments and motor image

Microscopic origins of anisotropic active stress in motor-driven nematic liquid crystals

Nov. 23, 2015

We study a physical model of filaments, crosslinking motors, and static crosslinkers to dissect the microscopic mechanisms of active stress generation in a two-dimensional system of orientationally aligned rods.
