Climate Justice Leader Theresa Halsey

Theresa Halsey, a member of the Hunkpapa Lakota tribe decided to join the Cliamte Justice Leaders Program because of her passion for advocacy and justice. She has been involved in enviromental justice work since the 1970s when she participated in work and activism surrounding the closure of Rocky Flats. Throughout the years she has worked as an Indian educator and intervention coordinator for the Boulder Valley School District. She also worked at CU Boulder as an Education Opprutunity Program counselor and continues to do mentorship work with Native college students on campus. Beyond being an educator, Theresa is the producer of the Indian Voices radio show on KGNU. Theresa is also a survivor of the violent boarding school system that separated children from their Native familes but in spite of the traumatic experience she was force into, today she is a fierce and strong leader in the community.