The UIS data warehouse is refreshed nightly with eRA data.
- Users with "Department Administrator" privileges (i.e. View only) are granted access to eRA reports in CU-Data automatically (after the nightly refresh).
- Users with "Research Administrator" privileges (i.e. Edit access) must obtain approval from OCG. <<Please complete this form>>
To access eRA reports in Cognos:
1. Login to MyCUInfo at
2. Select CU-Data from the choices.
3. From the Welcome to CU-Data home page, follow the path: Team Content > eRA > CU Boulder > Proposal and Award Tracking.
Report Descriptions
Award Reports
This report details awards received during a specified date range. Date calculations show how many days an award remained in various process steps.
Data Provided:
- Institution Number
- Mod Number
- AT Award Logged
- AT Award Processed
- Days from Logged to Processed
- Officer Review Complete
- Project Setup Complete
- Days from Review to Setup
- Days from Logged to Setup
Includes summary of award details and funding for specific time period.
Data Provided:
- PI
- Proposal #
- Increment No.
- Sponsor Award No.
- Sponsor Name
- Sponsor Type
- Originating Sponsor
- Award Increment - Type
- Instr. Type
- Project Title
- Awarded Period Start Date and End Date
- Awarded Date
- Total Anticipated
- Total Funded (i.e. awarded amount)
Graph 1: How many items were moved/reassigned to the status as of date.
Graph 2: Total items in each workflow status.
Graph 3: Total award increments (brand new awards + new mod increments)
This report shows awards specific to the 'Space Telescope Science Institute' and the 'American Heart Association'
Data Provided:
- Proposal (Institution) Number
- Sponsor Name
- Award Start Date
- Award End Date
- Title
- Award Total
- Department
- PI Name
- Award Comments
This report provides data on awards that are active or active as of the date selected in the prompt. It provides the Proposal Number, Proposed Amount, PI, Sponsor, Sponsor Award Number, Awarded Start and End dates, Project Title, Awarded Amount, Co-Pis, Related Project info (prior to Dec 3, 2015).
Common Uses: PI review (how many awards, which are active, etc.); listing of all active awards in a department.
- Proposal #
- Primary Project #s
- Speedtype
- PI
- Sponsor
- Sponsor Award #
- Awarded Period Start & End Date
- Project Title
- Proposed Amount
- Awarded Amount
Displays items by workflow status.
Search by Org ID, department, and/or dates.
Data Provided:
- Workflow Status “Group”
- Status
- Department
- Proposal #
- Award Increment Number
- Award Increment Type
- PI
- Award #
- Originating Sponsor Award #
- Sponsor Name
- Awarded Project Period Start Date
- Awarded Project Period End Date
- Total Cost
- Team Info (Grants or Contracts)
- Status Date
The report tracks an award through the review process in OCG and CCO. A department administrator can see what steps have been completed in the review process and if it has been completed by project set up to be able to start spending the funds received.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Sponsor
- Sponsor Award No.
- Increment No.
- Award Increment - Type
- Project No.
- P.I.
- Awarded Period Start Date
- Awarded Period End Date
- Awarded Date
- Awarded Amount
- Team
- Has Subcontract(s) (Y/N)
- Awarded Amount
- Team
- Has Subcontract(s) (Y/N)
- Award Logged
- Award Processed
- Officer Review Complete
- Project Setup Complete
- Redirect
- Delayed Status
- Grant Accountant Review
- Completed Property Review
- Completed Billing/Payment
- Completed Cost Share/Effort
- Reporting Complete
"Detailed" version: Shows all the steps in the workflow, even after the speedtype is set up.
"Short" version: The award drops off the report once project set up is complete.
This report is a condensed version of the 'Award Workflow Status Report' described above and does not report projects that have already been set up.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Sponsor
- Sponsor Award No.
- Period
- Increment No.
- Award Increment - Type
- Project No.
- P.I.
- Award Period Start Date
- Award Period End Date
- Awarded Date
- Awarded Amount
- Team
- Has Subcontract(s) (Y/N)
- Award Logged
- Award Processed
- Officer Review Complete
- Project Setup Complete
- Redirect
This report lists the number of awards that were logged during a specified date range with a chart. Selecting several months can give a historical perspective.
Data Provided:
- Count of 'Awards Logged' during the specified range.
- Chart
This report lists a more detailed version of the 'Awards Logged' report described above, but without a chart. Selecting several months can give a monthly perspective of the activity during the period.
Data Provided:
- Month/Year
- Recorded By
- Effective Date
- Proposal Number
- Award Increment Type
- Department
Displays all the awards closing in the selected time frame.
Data Provided:
- Proposal #
- Primary Project #
- Speedtype
- P.I.
- Sponsor
- Sponsor Award No.
- Sponsor Type
- Prime Sponsor
- Prime Sponsor Award #
- Prime Sponsor Type
- Instr. Type
- Awarded Period Start Date
- Awarded Period End Date
- Project Title
- Proposed Amount
- Awarded Amount
Lists new money received with drill down capacity linked to award snapshot. Set start/end dates.
Provides workflow status history & comments entered in AT.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Increment Number
- Increment Type
- Award Date
- Status
- Updated Date
- Effective Date
- Recorded By
- Team Info
- PI
- Department
- Sponsor Name
- Sponsor Type
- Comments entered by processors
Indirect Recovery Cost Reports
Displays all awards that are associated to one and see the specified ICR Split percentage. Search by Org, PI, or Department.
For internal use by CCO.
Displays ICR split exceptions.
Search by Org, PI, or Department. Additional prompt allows for ALL awards to be returned, including those without splits or exceptions.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Award No.
- Sponsor
- Project Period Start Date
- Project Period End Date
- PI
- Label
- Project
- Department
- % Allocated
OCG/CCO Reports
This report uses a date calculation to measure the number of days between when the PSR form is received and when the proposal is submitted during a selected date range. This helps determine compliance with OCG's five business day policy.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Department
- PI
- Sponsor
- Proposed Total Costs
- PSR Received Date
- Submitted Date
- Days Between (date calculation)
The contracts team in OCG uses this report to find various agreements that do not have attached funding. These include Material Transfer Agreements, Non-Dosclosure Agreements, Facilities Use Agreements, etc.
Data Provided:
- Agreement No.
- Sponsor Name
- Agreement Type
- From Date
- To Date
- Department
- PI
- Agreement Status
- Agreement Status Date
- Recorded By
- Agreement Status Comments
- Delayed Status
This report is used by CCO to help determine how many eRA recored are in a particular status.
Data Provided:
- Rush!
- Status Group
- Status
- Proposal No.
- Status Date
- Awarded Date
- Period Start Date
- Period End Date
- Summary Start Date
- Summart End Date
- Period
- Increment
- Award Increment Number
- Award Increment Date
- Department
- Sponsor Name
- Total Costs
- Team Info
Indicates closing requirements for awards. It tracks requirements such as: Certification of Award Expenditure, Cost Share Fulfillment, Property Reports, Final Financial Report, Final Outcome, PeopleSoft Closeout, Release and Assignment, Subcontracts, etc.
Search be retrieved by Org, PI, Sponsor, Requirement Type and Dates
This report allows the user to pull a report of all of the award deliverables due within a specific timeframe. This is primarily used by OCG-Compliance to follow up on outstanding reporting requirements, but could also be useful for either a PI or a department to determine their upcoming reporting requirements.
Tracks the last time a FFATA report was submitted to determine when they are due. (Internal use by Subcontracts team.)
Dashboard like overview of various eRA metrics displayed in bar graphs. Set start/end dates.
Overview of awards processed by type displayed in bar graphs. Set start/end dates.
Overview of awards processed as raw data in a table. Set start/end dates.
This report is used by OCG officers to give a status summary of awards to which thay are assigned.
Data Provided:
- Officer Name
- Award #
- Increment
- Increment Type
- Department
- Sponsor Name
- Award No.
- PI Name
- Start Date
- End Date
- Awarded Total Costs
- Incr. Total Cost
- Status
- Eff Date
- Updated
- Recorded By
- Comments
Set start/end dates to display as graphs the following data: # of projects received/completed by CCO, actual vs average days it takes for a project to be entered in PS, and % of projects entered in PS within time frames.
Raw data in a table of projects from “approved” to “set up complete” status.
Set start/end dates to pull all items assigned to CCO.
Enter a key word or two and get back sponsor information.
Data Provided:
- Sponsor Name
- Sponsor ID
- Sponsor Type
- Business Unit
For internal use by Subcontracts team. Provides metrics on subcontracts and statuses. Set start/end dates. Filter by status or officer.
Complete list of all active awards. Recommended to pull results into Excel format.
Crosswalk between project #s, speedtypes, proposal #, and award #s. Additional prompts added allow searching by org/dept, PI, or sponsor.
PDF format includes footers with co-pi’s and project/speedType numbers, to facilitate easy printing.
Excel format returns 1 row per award, with co-pi’s as separate columns, making the report easier to sort. Related projects and speedTypes are removed.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Award No.
- Project #
- Speedtype
- Description
- Status (Active/Inactive)
- P.I.
- Sponsor
- Subclass
- Subclass Description
This report provides the most recent status for a speedtype and the date that status took effect. This information is useful when needing to know whether or when project speedtypes have been closed out.
Search by Fund Type, Status (Active/Inactive), Org ID, or Program/Project Principal.
Proposal Reports
This reports tracks proposal and awards that need approvals (e.g. Animals, Biohazardous Materials, Export Control Concerns, Restricted Research Waiver, Human Subjects, F&A Waiver).
Search by Approval Type, Sponsor, Orgs, PI or Approval Status.
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Award No.
- Proposal Status
- Deadline Date
- Approval Type
- Approval Status
- Approved Date
- Approved From
- Approved To
- Protocol No.
- Review Category
- PI
- Department
- Sponsor
- Requested Start Date
- Requested End Dates
This report finds eRA records that have been designated as 'Limited Competition.'
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- Sponsor
- Sponsor Program
- Status
- Submitted Date
- Sponsor Award
- PI
- Co/Sub-PI
- Department
- Proposed Total Costs
- Title
- Awarded Date
- Awarded Amount
Lists submitted proposals. Set start/end dates.
This report helps Proposal Analysts find expections made during the data entry process and fox them prior to generation of the monthly report.
Displays all items assigned to a proposal analyst. Can filter by status. Set start/end dates.
Provides overview of a proposal (e.g. status, deadline dates, analyst). Now includes "Awarded Total Costs” for those Proposals that have been awarded. Also, search prompts now include "Sponsor Program Type" and "Opportunity No."!
Data Provided:
- Proposal No.
- P.I.
- Sponsor
- Project Title
- Proposed Amount
- Proposed Start Date
- Proposed End Date
- Deadline Date
- Status
- Proposal Analyst
Enter a date range to find proposals that were submitted during the period and then compare them to any resulting awards.
Data Provided:
A Pie Graph showing the percentage submitted and the percentage of those funded.
- Principal Investigator
- Count Submitted
- Count Awarded
- % Funded
Subcontract Reports
Enter a date range and report returns subcontract actions that were marked 'Action Complete.' The subcontracts team uses this report for the Contactor Purchasing System Review (CPSR).
- Subcontract Officer
- Amount Groups
- Institution No.
- Account No.
- Subawardee
- Mod No.
- Amount
- Contract Type
- Purpose
- Department
- Sponsor
- Prime Sponsor
- Action Complete Date
Used by procurement office to determine amounts funded to subawardees for reporting purposes.
Enter a date range and the report returns a subcontract record where the 'Authorized Date' is within the range. The subcontracts team uses this report when there is a subcontract audit.
Data Provided:
- Amount Groups
- Team
- Proposal No.
- Project No.
- Subawardee
- Mod No.
- Purpose
- Amount
- Aithorized Date
- Main Sponsor
- Main Sponsor Type
- Main Award No.
- Period of Performance
- Originating Sponsor
- Originating Sponsor Type
- Origination Sponsor Award No.
This report is the sameas the report above, but adds the 'Purpose' field.
Divided into 2 reports:
- One to query any “special requirements” relevant to the subcontract, i.e. Animal Subjects, Conflict of Interest, Cost-sharing, etc.
- Another to query “Other” significant User Defined Fields, i.e. Overall Status, Sub-entity, etc.
Depending on selections made in the prompt page, 1 or both lists will be returned.
Shows detailed status of each subcontract individually including date logged and the current status. Falls off report once status is updated to “Action Complete.”
Data Provided:
- Project No.
- Proposal No.
- Increment No.
- Department
- PI
- Subawardee
- Subcontract Officer
- Amount
- Logged Date
- Initiated Request
- Current Status
- Current Status Date
- Comments entered by Sub Officer
For internal use by Subcontracts team. Provides metrics on subcontracts and statuses. Set start/end dates. Filter by status or officer.
Enter a date range and this report returns subcontract records where the status is equal to 'WF_Approved Project SetUP Review'. The subcontract team uses this report to help determine upcoming workload.
Data Provided:
- Report Date
- Institution No.
- Subawardee
- Department
- Award Date
- Award No.
- Total Cost
- Sub Total
- Award Increment - Type
- Effective Date
- Status
- Recorded By
- Award No.
Quick Links
Don't see the eRA folder in CU-Data?
- If you've been granted Dept Admin (view only) access to eRA, the eRA folder should appear in CU-Data the next day.
- If you've been granted Research Admin (edit rights) to eRA, your access to "Live" reports must be granted by UIS.
Report Requests
Would you like to suggest a modification that you believe will improve a report? Do you have an idea for a new type of report? Please let us know!