You have likely been doing a lot of sitting this semester. It’s easy to lose awareness of how your body is feeling and building tension without even realizing it. 

Here are some simple steps by Donna Mejia, Theatre & Dance Associate Professor at the Crown Institute. Bring awareness to your body, lower thresholds of tension, and use simple movements to feel greater ease. 

  • In a chair without arms, sit on the very edge of the seat with your legs shoulder-width apart. Stretch tall through the center of your spine. Lean forward and backward, arcing and scooping the spine.

  • In the same position, lean from side-to-side. 

  • In the same position, narrow your knees and circle your torso in a full satellite stretch. The circles can be as big or as small as is comfortable to you. Try clockwise and counterclockwise.

  • Try opening your hips by widening your legs and leaning forward. 

  • Cross one leg over your knee and gently lean forward. Reverse your legs and lean forward again.



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