
The center's fellows and faculty have engaged in trailblazing work at the intersection of media and religion. With research conducted in a wide variety of fields including media studies, religious studies, journalism, communicaiton, cultural studies, anthropology, art history, business, and more, our center has been dedicated to creating a space for the study of this intersection within academia and beyond. Our research has explore a wide variety of subjects including the role of religion in media, portrayls of religion in the media, and many other subjects in the decades we have existed.

Current Work of CMRC

Previous Work Of CMRC

Throughout the course of our decades of existence, the Center for Media, Religion and Culture has worked on lots of academic and public scholarship, hosted several conferences, and created a global community of people dedicated to the work we are conducting. Here is a comprehensive list of our previous work and how it has contributed to a larger conversation about media and religion.

(image) Sacred Lines - As a collaboration between the Center for Media, Religion and Culture and KGNU, this quarterly radio show was a work of public scholarship dedicated to bringing the conversations being had at the center out to the public. With interviews conducted by KGNU's Maeve Conran of center members including Stewart Hoover and Nabil Echchaibi, the Sacred Lines radio show ran from 2012 to 2017 with many shows and conversations held about current events in media and religion.

(image) Third Spaces Blog - As a way of keeping the conversation going, the Third Spaces Blog was a place fellows could share their thoughts on conversations being held during the seminar. The blog existed for around 8 years lasting from 2013 to 2021 with a variety of posts from many fellows on a variety of subjects from music, television, film, gaming, social media, and beyond.

(image) Publications [link soon]- Throughout the years, the Center for Media, Relgion and Culture has published a variety of books, book chapters, and journal articles that have circulated in a variety of fields connected to the research conducted in our center. This comprehensive list of our research has a wide variety of works that all come from the conversations being had at the center.

(image) Conferences [link soon]- The center has hosted a variety of conferences on many topics relating to media, religion and culture. We have invited a large amount of scholars from across the globe to speak at our conferences and continue these conversations throughout academia and beyond our center.

(image) Past Research Projects [link soon]- In the past, the center has been involved in a variety of research projects that we have earned grants to conduct. From a wide variety of projects including our first project, Religion in Public Discourse, our center has worked to understand the role of media in religious communities, how the media portrays religious communities, and many other projects that you will find in this comprehensive list.

(image?) Resources [link soon]- In order to help other scholars of media and religion, our center has compiled resources of works and related links from around the academic and general public that relate to media and religious scholarship.