Coffee mug next to a laptop displaying participants in a Zoom meeting

Join ASSETT's Gamification Community of Practice

Dec. 17, 2020

Photo by Chris Montgomery, via Unsplash Are you interested in learning how others are using games in their classroom? Have you read about how someone has ‘gamified’ their activities and want to learn more? Or are you just generally curious about gamification pedagogy? In Fall 2021, the ASSETT Innovation Incubator...


Now Hiring: Student Technology Co-Pilots

Dec. 8, 2020

Technology Copilots for Spring 2021 Undergraduate Student Hourly Position Do you enjoy helping teachers use classroom technologies? Are you comfortable using technologies such as Zoom, iClicker, and A/V control units? And, do you have the desire and ability to learn new technologies quickly? The Office of Information Technology is looking...

Instructor's view of a lecture hall of students

ASSETT Seeks Faculty to Champion Teaching Quality Initiative

Nov. 16, 2020

UPDATE: the Faculty Fellows 21-22 cohort has been filled.​ ASSETT’s annual call for Faculty Fellows is now open, and we’re excited to be supporting a college-wide initiative to acknowledge and elevate teaching quality! Recently, Dean Jim White announced a plan for departments in the College of Arts & Sciences to...

Mona Attwa

Faculty Fellows Project Enhances Online Arabic Courses

Nov. 16, 2020

Mona Attwa's Qahwa Arabi platform makes learning accessible and appealing for remote students Mona Attwa , an Arabic instructor in the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, for realizing a long-time goal with the production of the online platform Qahwa Arabi . The platform went live on August 23. Mona...

Beth Osnes

Letter from the Advisor - November 2020

Nov. 16, 2020

Opening the Window to How Technology Can Support Access to Education Since our last newsletter , I received word from a former student who I advised as an honors BA student in Arts & Sciences, Daniel Oxenhandler. He and a team of collaborators had recently completed a film. The driving...

BuffsCreate logo

Students: Share Tips on BuffsCreate and You Could Win $25!

Nov. 13, 2020

Did you know that you can host your own website, portfolio, or course project on FOR FREE??!! There’s no catch. No “as seen on TV” shenanigans. No 30-day trial period, no in-app purchases, no subscriptions. So, what are you waiting for? We’ve created a simple activity for you to...

Inclusive data science logo

Innovative Data Science Course Approved for Fall 2021

Nov. 13, 2020

Data exist all around us, from the tweets flying by on social media to the groceries being scanned at the market. This growing wealth of information, known as Big Data, provides exciting opportunities for transforming our economy, reshaping our political and social lives and impacting many, if not most, disciplines...

Innovation Incubator logo

Innovation Incubator Update - November 2020

Nov. 13, 2020

Announcing a New Gamification Pedagogy Community of Practice! Coming this spring 2021, the ASSETT Innovation Incubator Student Success team is launching a new community of practice (COP) focused on gamification pedagogy. The COP will meet monthly from early February through May to bring together campus members to discuss the gamification...


Catching Up with the STCs: Fall 2020

Nov. 13, 2020

Over the fall semester, the Student Technology Consultants have been continuing to adapt our mission to the remote classroom landscape. What does it mean to help educators and students harness classroom technologies when everything is so virtual? How can we maximize the benefit we provide to students in the College...

Stack of books

Book Club Guides Students to Make the Most of Their Twenties

Nov. 11, 2020

In fall 2020, ASSETT’s Student Technology Consultants led a book club to help students think about kick-starting their careers and personal lives as young adults. Based on The Defining Decade: Why Your 20’s Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them Now by psychologist Meg Jay, the book club created...
