Overall, throughout the course of an eight-week Inquiry Project (IP), students will develop practices of self-directed and open inquiry as they pose research questions, navigate conversations, formulate arguments, and compose and circulate their own texts in a variety of modes and media. The IP includes objectives that will help students learn to:
- Think critically about the way they seek out, use, and interact with information within ever-changing digital landscapes;
- Think critically about the digital identity they create in the process of interacting with information;
- Use research to construct knowledge and contribute to networks of information;
- Make informed rhetorical choices as they compose a variety of texts in multiple modes and media and for a variety of audiences;
- Recognize that authority is constructed, and it is constructed differently in different contexts.
For my ASSETT Teaching With Technology Seminar project, I focused on one particular learning objective from the larger Inquiry Project:
- Students will investigate and recognize inquiry and communication practices in new media environments.
More specifically, as part of this objective, students will:
- Understand that ideas and theories are formulated, debated, and reformulated over time;
- Understand how authority is constructed in different new media contexts and learn to determine if specific information matches their needs and purpose;
- Learn to identify meaningful, current, ongoing conversations about an issue or topic they are interested in
Currently, one set of tools people use to share information -- the dominant space in which public conversations take place -- is social media. It’s important for students to learn how people create and share their knowledge via social media, and to learn to think critically about the way they seek out, evaluate, and synthesize information they find in these public spaces.
To help students think critically about information they find in new media, they will complete a short assignment using Storify, an online tool that allows users to create timelines from a wide variety of social and new media elements. This assignment will be introduced about 3 or 4 weeks into the larger Inquiry Project. Prior to beginning this assignment, I will have taught students about assessing and evaluating information to understand how expertise and authority are constructed, and how to determine whether information and sources are useful and relevant to their purposes. Also, I’ll teach students some skills for doing searches on new and social media.
In this Storify project, students will:
- Track a conversation about the issue they’re exploring in their Inquiry Project in a variety of new and social media.
- Curate the conversation (show how they’ve tracked it) and create a narrative using Storify;
- Present their Storify to the class.
- Reflect on their process in a short paper they will submit to me.