The Burden


He's:        the amoeba glue

that binds together

a chair of toothpicks

straddled by this flat’s inhabitants,

except this resin is not solid,

is not set


by design must give a little

to bear the weight of us



are the meters a skyscraper

must be able to lean and sway

with each gust, under

the influence of tonight's

tall, difficult winds


Jesica Carson Davis lives in Denver. Her work has appeared in The Laurel Review, Storm Cellar, Stoneboat, Zone 3, Columbia Poetry Review, and other places. She is an Associate Editor for Inverted Syntax literary journal, studied poetry at the University of Illinois, was the final Alice Maxine Bowie Fellow at Lighthouse Writers Workshop, and won the Pilgrimage Press Tarantula Prize for poetry. She's currently working on several manuscripts of poetry and an ongoing project making poemboxes, which sculpturally interpret her writing.