Vermont EPSCoR is offering 12 summer research internship opportunities to join our cutting-edge NSF-funded research on Harnessing the Data Revolution for Vermont: The Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories (SOCKS).
We are initiating a five-year, large-scale, interdisciplinary, and groundbreaking data science effort to better understand and harness the power of stories. SOCKS revolves around stories as an essential part of how people comprehend, explain, predict, and seek to navigate the world. SOCKS supports the Digital Humanities by developing a powerful approach to quantifying both individual stories and ecologies of stories through massive data collection, natural language processing, and large language models—computer-based encodings of the meaningful connections between words and phrases.
The Undergraduate Research Internship Program offers students the opportunity to participate in current research conducted through the NSF EPSCoR award Harnessing the Data Revolution for Vermont: The Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories SOCKS program. SOCKS Summer Undergraduate Interns (SSUI) will be matched with a research team working on the transdisciplinary SOCKS research program. At the end of the internship, research teams will meet together at a Symposium to share their discoveries through an oral presentation and a written report of their research. Students will do full-time, high-impact, authentic research for 10 weeks in one of the following areas:
(1) Indigenous voices in global environmental governance (mentored by Fuentes-George);
(2) Data ethics, privacy, and narrative bias (mentored by Harp and Lovato);
(3) Social and health narratives (mentored by SOCKS social or health teams)
(4) Analysis of local news stories and programs (mentored by Richard Watts, the Director of the Center for Community News at UVM)
Applications will be due January 31, 2024, at 5 pm EST.