A team at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics has received a $2 million award to develop a concept study for a NASA mission that will investigate how Earth’s lower atmosphere influences the upper atmosphere.
When Donald Trump got the headlines from a recent National Association of Black Journalists conference, it obscured the lost opportunity for reporters of color to share ideas on how to cover controversial newsmakers.
While many voters embrace Kamala Harris’ candidacy and the fact that she is a multiracial woman without any biological children, some Republicans are using her identity as fodder for attacks. Read from CU expert Jennifer Ho on The Conversation.
A growing number of AI technologies analyze the way people talk to screen for mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. A new study finds that they may not perform consistently across people from different demographic groups.
Bolstering its longstanding collaboration with NASA, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics enacted a collaborative Space Act Agreement with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center focused on space weather.
Since announcing her bid to run for president on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has generated praise and drawn questions about her electability—including from some media outlets and online commentators who have asked: “Is the United States ready to elect a multiracial woman?”
A CU Boulder-led team has developed a new way to print ultra-tough, adhesive biomaterials that could be used for cardiac patches, cartilage repair, needle-free sutures and personalized implants.
CU researchers are taking part in a national project to identify sources of urban air pollution. The data will contribute to research related to both health and climate.
The Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI) recently concluded its 40th year, bringing 65 students from around the world to Boulder to delve into the “Frontiers of Particle Theory.”