Tom Heinbockel demonstrating using a Power Breathe device

5-minute breathing workout lowers blood pressure as much as exercise, drugs

June 29, 2021

Strength training for your breathing muscles? Daily High-Resistance Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training lowers blood pressure and improves vascular health as well as, or even more than, aerobic exercise or medication, new CU Boulder research shows.

Tiny American flag in ground at cemetery

US life expectancy took an alarming plunge amid pandemic

June 23, 2021

Life expectancy in the United States plunged by nearly two years in 2020, the largest decline since World War II, new CU Boulder research shows. Among some racial minorities, the decline was twice that of whites; and compared to 16 wealthy peer countries, the U.S. decline was 8.5 times worse.

A close-up of a computer chip.

AI may soon predict how electronics fail

June 21, 2021

"Hotspots," or tiny defects in the components that make up your phone and many other devices, can cause electronics to break down. Engineers are using machine learning techniques to predict ahead of time where they might pop up.

smoke stacks and air pollution

Air pollution exposure during pregnancy may boost babies’ obesity risk

June 10, 2021

New research shows pregnant women exposed to higher levels of air pollution have babies who grow unusually fast in the first months after birth, putting on excess fat that puts them at risk of obesity and related diseases later in life.

This scanning electron microscope image shows the distinct bow tie shape of an optical rectenna.

Scientists debut world’s most efficient 'optical rectennas,' devices that harvest power from heat

May 18, 2021

For decades, researchers have theorized that optical rectennas could sit on everything from bakery ovens to dirigibles flying high above Earth to harvest waste heat and turn it into electricity. But to date, those goals have remained elusive. Now, engineers have unveiled the most efficient optical rectennas yet.

Galago moholi bundled up in a cloth

Pet trade may pose threat to bushbaby conservation

May 17, 2021

At night in southern Africa, primates called bushbabies emit "spooky" vocalizations that sound like crying children. What may be even spookier is the possible future these adorable creatures face.

Gloved hands hold a vaccine vial

To safely return to ‘normal,’ 70% of Coloradans must get COVID vaccine

April 28, 2021

The state is heading in the right direction, but still has a lot of work to do before it can remove all public health restrictions, such as mask mandates, researchers say.

Artist's conception of a flare ejecting from a star with a planet nearbyArtist's conception of a flare ejecting from a star with a planet nearby

Humongous flare from sun’s nearest neighbor breaks records

April 21, 2021

On May 1, 2019, researchers observed a record-setting flare from the star Proxima Centauri—a burst of energy roughly 100 times more powerful than any similar event seen from Earth's sun.

Painting of army invading the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan

Across centuries and diseases, poverty, conflict and racism fuel pandemics

April 16, 2021

The current COVID-19 pandemic and other disease outbreaks aren't just biological phenomena, a team of archaeologists argue—these events are also shaped by the broader welfare of human societies.

View of storefronts in Breckenridge, Colorado.

Colorado business confidence rebounding to record levels

April 1, 2021

Business leaders around the state are feeling increasingly hopeful about Colorado's economy, a response to increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates and the easing of public health restrictions.
