A faculty member demonstrates an applied mathematics lesson using a chalkboard.

CU Boulder leads national study promoting next-gen teaching evaluations

Sept. 29, 2017

The Center for STEM Learning has received a $662,230 grant for a project focused on raising the profile of teaching and promoting a richer evaluation of teaching. The five-year award brings together four leading universities in evidence-based teaching practices.

Mae C. Jemison

Astronaut, physician Mae Jemison to speak at CU Boulder in February

Sept. 28, 2017

The first woman of color to go into space and an icon of women's rights and civil rights, Mae Jemison will be the Leo Hill Distinguished Leadership Speaker Series guest for 2018.

Jonathan Templin

'From research to the classroom (and back),' a lecture Sept. 29

Sept. 27, 2017

Jonathan Templin, awarded the inaugural Robert L. Linn Memorial Lecture held alternately at CU Boulder and UCLA, will discuss bettering assessment practice and policy on Friday at Old Main.

Old Main on CU Boulder campus.

Campus reiterates support of international community after new restrictions announced

Sept. 27, 2017

CU Boulder stands firmly with our international community and reminds the campus that the travel restrictions do not affect the immigration status of those who are already present in the U.S.

Virginia Ferguson in an engineering lab.

Colloquium Sept. 28 to explore UROP best practices

Sept. 26, 2017

Faculty and staff are invited to explore innovative approaches to creating a culture supportive of undergraduate research, as well as Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program funding.

The IBS building

Rocky Mountain Research Data Center to open on campus Sept. 28

Sept. 22, 2017

The community is invited to a ribbon-cutting event celebrating one of campus's newest centers, part of a national network of federal statistical research facilities.

The David & Lucile Packard Foundation; image of onlookers at aquarium with hammerhead shark swimming above

Early-career faculty invited to workshop on Packard fellowships

Sept. 22, 2017

Learn what goes into a winning proposal in advance of the internal competition to determine applicants for Packard Foundation fellowships in science and engineering. RSVP by Sept. 28.

Woman types on laptop

Faculty Course Questionnaire system to go online fall 2017

Sept. 21, 2017

Starting this semester, the Faculty Course Questionnaire, which students use to evaluate courses and instructors at the end of each term, is going fully online. Learn about the new format and how to encourage higher response rates.

Norlin Library on CU Boulder's Norlin Quad

Faculty invited to Oct. 12 University Libraries reception

Sept. 20, 2017

Get an opportunity to learn about the resources and services in the library, tour special collections, meet subject librarians and socialize with fellow faculty. Register by Oct. 2.

Senior Vice Chancellor and CFO Kelly Fox

From the SVC: Thriving in a world of accelerating change

Sept. 19, 2017

How can we set course for a future we can scarcely imagine? Across CU Boulder, initiatives are inviting our community to develop the mechanisms and resiliency that will allow us to thrive in a world of change.
