Summer with its clairvoyance—
the woundlight
marks its borderland.
A larcenous, an other
-worldly dark enjoins us
to stay another minute. Carboniferously
sift us, damage. Help us glimmer
this obsidian:
all slag & de-
realized. Null caress
& smoke.
shadows, do not spare us.
We famish
into nothing’s plight:
a bare meridian going for broke.
You cup the light
here in my hand
& everything I am is only flesh.
Will Cordeiro has recent work appearing or forthcoming in Best New Poets, Blue Earth Review, DIAGRAM, Fifth Wednesday Journal, Poetry Northwest, The MacGuffin, The Threepenny Review,Under the Gum Tree, Zone 3, and elsewhere. He lives in Flagstaff and teaches in the Honors College at Northern Arizona University.