SA Insider is a bi-monthly newsletter with information, updates and opportunities for Student Affairs staff. SA Insider is sent twice a month, during the first and third weeks of the month. 

Student Affairs staff can submit content to be included in the SA Insider. This includes department news, professional development opportunities, volunteer opportunities, upcoming staff events and staff achievements. New staff announcements are shared for associate director roles or higher, and job postings are shared for director roles or higher. If you have multiple content submissions, please submit one form per content item. Content may be edited for readability and grammar, and to follow CU style guidelines.

This will not be included in SA Insider. It will be used to contact you with any questions.
This will not be included in SA Insider. It will be used to contact you with any questions.
Please indicate the date(s) you would like your content to be included in the SA Insider.
Content may be edited for readability, grammar and to follow CU style guidelines.
Photos and graphics may be included in Student Affairs Insider on a space available basis. Inclusion is not guaranteed and photos may be cropped to fit space. If you would like to share a PDF, please upload here and it will be included as a link. Uploads must be less than 2 MB.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx.