Published: Sept. 10, 2020

Ready to put your brain to work with a fun math challenge? Sample equations for four 4's activity

Your challenge is to create a series of equations to produce each number from 0 to 20, using just Four 4's in each equation, along with basic math symbols (+ - x ÷ ).  

Don't forget the standard order of operations, as you'll need to keep that in mind to come up with all 21 equations!

Hint: when dealing with Order of Operations, think PEMDAS:

  • P = Parentheses first!
  • E = Exponents (Powers & Square Roots)
  • M, D = Multiplication & Division (from left to right)
  • A, S = Addition & Subtraction (from left to right)

Examples: (4 + 4) - (4 + 4) = 0; (44 - 4) / 4 = 10

How many different equations can you come up with? Can you find an equation for each number from 0 to 20?