Wild Buffalo herd at Larry Strear's ranch west of Longmont


The University of Colorado Boulder Retired Faculty Association (UCBRFA) serves as the principal venue for retired faculty members to remain involved in activities of the Boulder Campus. Participating in RFA events is a way for retired faculty members to maintain social, intellectual, and professional contacts, contribute to the Boulder Campus, and remain informed about on-campus developments and retired faculty benefits programs.

Current and planned events of the RFA include:

  • Monthly Distinguished Faculty Lectures
  • The RFA Research Award Program
  • Coordination with the Boulder Faculty Assembly and the Office of Information Technology to clarify changes in Microsoft and Google software changes and their impact on retired faculty
  • Collaboration with the Office of Faculty Affairs to include retired faculty in campus faculty mentoring programs
  •  RFA business meetings
  • Social events (lunches, happy hours, coffee klatches, etc.)

RFA members have an opportunity to shape the future of the association by active participation in its activities.


UCBRFA membership is free. All retired faculty, including those who have formalized retirement plans with their unit/college/administration, are invited and encouraged to join the RFA.

Sign up here