Published: Dec. 18, 2023 By

The post-enrollment requirement checking (PERC) process will run in batch for spring according to the schedule below.

As a reminder, PERC gives admin users the ability to see if an enrolled student has met the requirements for a class and, if not, which requirements have not been met. Please note that the PERC process looks at both restrictions (major restrictions, minimum unit restrictions, etc.) and prereqs/coreqs that are set up as requisites on the class.

For more detailed information about using PERC, navigation, using the drop feature via the PERC roster, etc., please see our PERC webpage.

Please note the following:

  • If you want to drop a student because they do not meet the requirement, you can do so through the deadline to drop without a W grade, but you should try to have these done before the first day of classes when possible. If you drop a student, you are responsible for contacting the student to let them know they've been dropped and why.

  • For spring, we'll run PERC according to the following schedule:

    • Run twice before classes begin (after grade processing has completed) – night of Jan. 5, 2024 and Jan. 11, 2024

    • Run after first week of classes – night of Jan. 19, 2024

    • Run the day after the add deadline for Session B – night of Jan. 25, 2024

  • In the past, auditors enrolled by Continuing Education staff after the B session add deadline had a PERC note entered on the record. For Spring 2024, this note will not be entered. Since it’s clear who is auditing when looking at a class roster, there is less need for a note and it eliminates an additional step during the manual auditor enrollment process.

