Paul McIntyre
Materials Science & Eng.
1. Interfaces • 2. Coherence effects, order, and defects in materials • 3. Advanced characterization (multi-modes) • 4. Scalability and processing of materials • 5. Chemical processes-dependent on nano- and meso-scale dimensions • 6. Integration of length scales in materials • 8. Thermal transport • 9. Hybrid nano-materials • 10. Optoelectronic properties • 11. Nanoscale self-assembly and fabrication • 12. Theory and simulation of phenomena

General Area(s) of Research: Structure and properties of interfaces between dissimilar materials (especially metal oxide/covalent semiconductor interfaces); Atomic layer deposition of ultrathin films and their applications; Crystal growth at the nanoscale.

Description of potential projects for CINEMA applicants: Please refer to Professor's website.