Andriy Zakutayev Photo
Photovoltaics Research
1. Interfaces • 2. Coherence effects, order, and defects in materials • 4. Scalability and processing of materials • 8. Thermal transport • 10. Optoelectronic properties • 13. Materials and devices for solar energy conversion • 14. Materials and devices for thermal energy conversion • 15. Materials and devices for electrical energy storage • 16. Materials and devices for solar fuel production and utilization

General Area(s) of Research: Development of novel solar energy conversion materials and devices using high-throughput combinatorial approach

Description of potential projects for CINEMA applicants: New absorbers for photovoltaics and photoelectrochemical water splitting, combinatorial and high-throughput experimental methods, sputtering, pulsed laser deposition of oxides/sulfides/nitrides, basic science of surfaces and interfaces, defects in semiconductors, transparent conductors, thermoelectrics, transistors, solar cells.