Published: May 15, 2015
Paul Komor

Energy Education Director, Paul Komor has been invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the World Engineering, Science & Technology Congress (ESTCON) in Kuala Lampur. June 3-5, 2015

Talk Summary

The talk is entitled, “The Path to a Sustainable Energy Future.”  It is clear that the world will need to move to sustainable energy sources.  Oil, natural gas, and coal supplies are finite, and their continued burning contributes to climbing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

But what does a sustainable energy future look like, and how do we get from here to there?  Paul will talk about what that future might look like, using examples drawn from all over the world of innovative and thoughtful buildings, transportation systems, and industries.  His talk will make it clear that we already know how to build many of the elements of a sustainable energy system – for example, we can build zero-carbon, zero-energy houses.  We just need to build more of them!

In other words, the challenge is getting that kind of innovation and careful design replicated worldwide.  He will lay out what is needed – the technologies, the financing, the policy changes, and the political will.   Paul will give examples and case studies of successful – and failed - sustainability efforts.   And he will also argue that we need to build these systems not just because we owe it to our children, but because they provide more of what we care about – comfort, value, convenience, happiness, economic progress, quality of life.

Paul will close his talk with a focus on what this all means for you – what you can do to help build the future you want to see – for yourself, for your family, and for humanity.

Conference Information