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The Academic Review and Planning (ARP) process was initiated fall 2008, replacing the Program Review Panel (PRP) process. ARP uses standard "unit profiles" produced by ODA for units undergoing review in any year of the ARP cycle.
An Academic Review and Planning (ARP) unit profile compiles information on various topic areas in a single document for use by unit leads. These profiles also contain both comparisons to other units within a review cycle and across all units participating in the Academic Review and Planning process. The measures used and overall format were specified by the office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs, which administers the ARP process. Data are compiled, associated with units, and displayed by the Institutional Research (IR) area of Office of Data Analytics (ODA).
The profiles contain information on counts of faculty and students, average faculty salaries, number of degrees awarded, student credit hours taught, FCQ ratings, research funding, graduation rates, and time to degree.
See in below expansion for the list of all units scheduled for ARP in any year, with college, ARP review year, previous review year, and links to the most recent version of the unit profiles and CU Boulder catalog excerpts.
Review cycles and department codes
To look up department codes, view the current list of units by review cycle with department codes (PDF).
September 2023 update: please note that no units are being reviewed for the current 2023-2024 cycle and all units will be pushed back a year.
Unit profiles by department code
We've provided unit profiles in PDF and RTF form via cloud storage below.
September 2023 update: please note that the list of units and their cycles in profiles prior to 2023-2024 do not reflect the updated cycle and are off by one year.
- 2023-2024 reporting cycle
- 2022-2023 reporting cycle
- 2021-2022 reporting cycle
- 2020-2021 reporting cycle
- 2019-2020 reporting cycle
- 2018-2019 reporting cycle
- 2017-2018 reporting cycle
- 2016-2017 reporting cycle
- 2015-2016 reporting cycle
- 2014-2015 reporting cycle
- 2013-2014 reporting cycle
- 2012-2013 reporting cycle
- 2011-2012 reporting cycle
- 2010-2011 reporting cycle
View ARP data over-time with information about
- Undergraduate students
- Masters students
- PhD students
- Department Summary by semester credit hours and employee count
- Research and per tenured and tenure-track (TTT) faculty data
- Student credit hours taught by ARP department - rankings by 10-year percent change
The Major Progression visualization tool (beta) tracks progress through an undergraduate major, including how individual students and aggregates of students enter and leave academic degree programs.
Academic Affairs
- Continuing Ed: Continuing Ed
- Academic Affairs administrative units
Arts & Humanities Departments, Centers, and College of Music
- Arts & Sciences: Anderson Language Technology Center, Art & Art History, Asian Languages and Civilizations, CU Art Museum, Center for Asian Studies, Center for Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature Program, English, Film Studies, French & Italian, German and Slavic Languages & Literature, History, Humanities, Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Program for Writing & Rhetoric, Religious Studies, Spanish & Portuguese, Theatre & Dance
- Grad School: Center for Humanities & the Arts
- Music: College of Music
Environmental Design
- Program in Environmental Design
Engineering Departments
- Arts & Sciences: Computer Science BA
- Engineering & Applied Science: Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Alliance for Technology, Learning, and Society, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil EAE, Computer Science, Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Engineering Management Program, General Engineering, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program, Mechanical Engineering
Life Science Departments and Reserach Institutes
- Arts & Sciences: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Studies Program, Geography, Geological Sciences, Integrative Physiology, Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology, Psychology and Neuroscience
- Grad School: BioFrontiers Institute, IBG, ICS, INSTAAR, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Inst (RASEI)
Physical Science Departments and Research Institutes
- Arts & Sciences: Applied Math, Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
- Grad School: CIRES, JILA, LASP
Professional Schools/Colleges, Library, Continuing Ed, Special Programs
- Business: School of Business
- CMCI: College of Media, Communication & Information
- Education: School of Education
- Grad School: University Museum
- Law: School of Law
- Libraries
- Multiple: RAPS
Social Science Departments and Research Institutes
- Arts & Sciences: Anthropology, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Honors, International Affairs Program, Linguistics, Political Science, Sociology, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, Women and Gender Studies
- Grad School: IBS