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LGBTQ Studies Certificate Catalog
Course Title | Course # |
Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Rome | CLAS 2110/ WGST 2110 |
Queering topics in Education | EDUC 4301 |
The Invention of Sexuality | GRMN 4231 |
Introduction to LGBTQ Studies (required for certificate) |
LGBT 2000/ WGST 2030 |
Topics in LGBTQ Studies: LGBTQ Health and Communication | LGBT 3710/COMM 3000-003 |
LGBTQ Studies Internship (3 credit hours) | LGBT 3930 |
Critical Inquiries in Transgender Studies | LGBT 4400/ WGST 4400 |
Special Topics in Queer Literature | LGBT 4287 /ENGL 4287 |
Independent Study in LGBTQ Studies | LGBT 4840 |
Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Popular Culture | MDST 4331/ WGST 4331 |
Sex, Power, and Politices: U.S. Perspectives | PSCI 3174/ WGST 3174 |
Social Construction of Sexuality | SOCY 1006/ WGST 1006 |
Feminities/Masculinities/Alternatives | WGST 2020 |
Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture | WGST 2050 |
Gender and U.S. Politics: Protest, Polls and Policy | WGST 3311/ PSCI 3311 |