June 16, 2017

Paul S. Chinowsky
Associate Vice-Provost for Student Success
Office of Undergraduate Education
Professor, Dept of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder

Dear Paul,

This is to acknowledge receipt of the RAP Task Force Report. I appreciate all of the hard work and effort you and your committee members put into this very important project. The issues with which you and the committee dealt are difficult, time consuming, and pressing matters for public higher education. It is no easy task to make recommendations regarding policies such as space allocation, curriculum, personnel, the student experience, and equity. I applaud and appreciate the committee’s ability to develop these findings and recommendations. With the committee’s work complete, the RAP Task Force is dissolved.

I will take your report and recommendations, engage in additional conversation with various constituents including the Senior Vice Chancellor, my leadership team, the deans, RAP personnel, Housing and Dining Services, the Capital Governance Committee, faculty, staff, students, and other interested persons before deciding how to proceed.

I hope and believe that whatever the outcome, RAPs, First-Year Seminars, Freshman Interest Groups, and college/school specific programs will be able to serve 100 percent of our first-year students and provide them with a menu of high-quality options. Please know that the work of this committee is the first step to getting us to that goal. Thank you again.

Russell Moore

View the original official document (in PDF format)