Kendi F. Davies, Brett A. Melbourne (1999)

Statistical models of invertebrate distribution on Macquarie Island: a tool to assess climate change and local human impacts

Polar Biology 21(4) 240-250


Sub-Antarctic islands are good model systems in which to study the ecological effects of human impacts, particularly global climate change and alien species. Invertebrates form a central component of these ecosystems. We conducted a stratified survey of 69 sites on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island and used logistic regression models to describe the distribution of 14 abundant invertebrate species. We also developed a statistical model of windspeed based on topography. The distributions of individual species were described by different combinations of aspect, altitude and vegetation type. Ordination of sites based on species composition showed strong effects of altitude and vegetation on invertebrate assemblages. The species distribution models provide a tool for detecting, monitoring and predicting effects of climate change and alien species on biota and ecosystem processes.