Principal Investigator

Nancy Emery

Nancy C. Emery, PhD

Associate Professor
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
I am an evolutionary ecologist that is broadly interested in understanding how ecological processes shape the evolutionary trajectories of plant populations. The majority of my research strives to understand the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that determine how and where plants persist in spatially and temporally variable environments.

Graduate Students

Kelly Carscadden

Kelly Carscadden

PhD student
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
I research how the interaction between genetic and environmental variation shapes species' ecological niche breadth. I aim to determine whether species-level breadth is composed of differently specialized, or broadly tolerant, populations in monkeyflower species. In addition, I am studying the demography of hybridizing cinquefoil taxa to understand drivers of niche breadth and range dynamics in changing environments.
William Reed

Will Reed

PhD student
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
I study plant adaptation to environmental conditions that are highly variable and often unpredictable. I use statistical modeling to predict which adaptive strategies should be favored in response to patterns of water availability in the alpine, and field experiments to empirically test these predictions in the field.
Courtney Van Den Elzen

Courtney Van Den Elzen

PhD student
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology / Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology
My research focuses on interactions between seed dispersal evolution and environmental adaptation in plants. I use simulation modeling techniques to study evolutionary feedback loops between seed dispersal evolution and environmental adaptation in changing environments, and empirical techniques to study the influence of environmental factors on traits that control seed dispersal in California goldfields.

Post-Doctoral Researchers


Meagan Oldfather, PhD

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
My research broadly investigates the ecological and evolutionary processes that sets range limits of plants in heterogenous landscapes. I am particularly interested in incorporating range-wide population dynamics into predictions of range shifts with a changing climate. My work with the Emery lab focuses on the eco-evolutionary feedbacks between dispersal dynamics and habitat specialization in a vernal pool system.
Anne Marie Panetta

Anne Marie Panetta, PhD

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
My research focuses on the roles that gene flow and local adaptation play in facilitating and/or constraining population persistence in the face of global change. I use a combination of climate manipulation, greenhouse common garden experiments, and genetically explicit in situ transplant experiments to investigate population-level responses of a native mountain wildflower, Rock Jasmine, to local changes in temperature, moisture, and snowpack dynamics.

Lab Alumni

Sally Chambers

Sally Chambers, PhD

PhD student, Purdue University (2010-2014)
Research Botanist • Marie Selby Botanical Gardens • Sarasota FL
Margaret Habib

Margaret Habib, MS

MS student, University of Colorado Boulder (2016-2018)
Research Associate • University of Colorado & National Renewable Energy Lab
Michelle Jensen

Michelle Jensen, MS

MS student, Purdue University (2008-2011)
Preserve Ecologist • Pepperwood Preserve • Santa Rosa CA
Raffica LaRosa

Raffica La Rosa, PhD

Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Colorado Boulder (2015-2019)
Environmental Scientist • Native Plant Program • California Department of Fish & Wildlife • Sacramento CA
Elizabeth LaRue

Elizabeth LaRue, PhD

PhD student, Purdue University (2012-2017)
Post-Doctoral Researcher • Fei & Hardiman Labs • Department of Forestry and Natural Resources • Purdue University
Silas Tittes

Silas Tittes, PhD

PhD student, University of Colorado Boulder (2014-2019)
Post-Doctoral Researcher • Ross-Ibarra Lab • University of California Davis • Davis CA
Lorena Torres Martinez

Lorena Torres-Martinez, PhD

PhD student, Purdue University (2010-2016)
Post-Doctoral Researcher • Sachs Lab • University of California Riverside • Riverside CA
Joey Walker

Joseph Walker, PhD

MS student, Purdue University (2012-2014)
Post-Doctoral Researcher Associate • Sainsbury Lab • University of Cambridge • Cambridge UK