Primarily my effort as a faculty is to support student research and training.  Occasionally, I also have the time to write my own articles and publish independently.  Technical reports and deliverables are generally not cited as scholarly work so those are maintained internally within the lab or group of current students.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to participate in our projects.

Good Sources for biomedical information are:

  • Pubmed
  • IEEE Xplore
  • Checking through NIH or the FDA is also good in the US (many agencies of the goverment offer free reports).

Another great source of information would be the National Academies Press.  (wide range of topics - not just biomedical)

These reports are very lengthy and require some registration to access but generally are free to download and provide an excellent resource on many topics

Sample Publications:

  • Sharma, P., Frey, K.N., Long, C.S., Gasiewski, A.J., Barnes, F.S., "Use of Wavelet Transform to Detect Compensated and Decompensated Stages in the     Congestive Heart Failure Patient," Biosensors, MDPI open access, September 2017.
  • Newman, K.E., Hamblen, J.O., and Hall, T.S., “An Introductory Digital Hardware Laboratory Using a Low-Cost Autonomous Robot,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 45, n. 3, August 2002: 289-296.
  • G.J. Vachtsevanos, I.M. Dar, K.E. Newman, E. Sahinci, “Inspection System and method for bond detection and validation of surface mount devices,” U.S. Patent Number 5,963,662, 1999.

Additional publications are listed on my ResearchGate site. Kimberly Newman Frey on ResearchGate