people on a computerPlan

Effective fundraisers are well-planned and organized. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Brainstorm ways to fundraise.
  2. Determine your audience.
  3. Set your goals.
  4. List resources that you will need.
  5. Create a list of potential sponsors or donors you could like to contact.
  6. Consider timing of fundraiser (weather, seasonal, finals, other events occurring, etc.) and plan accordingly. Think about how the timing might effect your overall fundraiser goals.
  7. Set timeline for fundraiser campaign.
  8. Develop a creative marketing campaign to spread the word about your awesome fundraiser! Think about what you might need – posters, flyers, social media, etc.

Book a space

Whether you plan to use a classroom, room in the UMC or table (inside or outside), make sure you reserve the space in advance. See CU Events Planning & Catering for space rental on campus.

Determine your fundraiser’s value

It is important to consider what someone might be willing to pay for an item or service. It is equally important to consider all the necessary costs for resources and required sales taxes and GAR fees when determining prices for your fundraiser.

Reserve a cash box

Whenever you plan to collect money on campus, or for an on-campus event, you must check out a cash box through CSI Finance. A cash box can be requested on BuffConnect under the Forms tab in your organization’s portal. Review Collecting Funds on Campus for policies and procedures on approved money handling methods on campus.

Post fundraising

Set aside some time soon after the fundraiser to talk with others in your organization about how it went. Consider what went really well, where you could have benefited from additional planning or resources, and how you can make your fundraiser even more effective next time.

Thank donors and sponsors

Keep records of donors – with contact information, gift amount, etc. – and the logistics of the fundraiser so you can thank your donors and sponsors and let them know their impact. Consider sending a letter that outlines their contribution along with the results of the fundraiser as a whole.