Let us take over your class for a session and guide your students through hands-on activities related to these topics. Reach out to Rebecca Komarek to schedule one of these introductory sessions.

Empathy Interviewing

Empathy interviewing is a method used to understand how individuals experience a problem or challenge. The interview seeks to gain insights about the interviewees feelings and personal experiences related to a topic. Often, this human-centered approach reveals information not obviously apparent. The process interviewing encourages students to truly empathize with...

Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design, also known as design thinking, is a creative problem solving approach practiced in a wide variety of industry sectors. It uses human-centered techniques to truly understand a challenge and fully address the root of a problem before designing a potential solution. Human-centered design can be used to design...


Learn the hows and whys of purposeful prototyping through this session. Beginning with the foundations of prototyping this session provides theory and methodology to a practice that seem daunting. Through the use of various examples of prototypes of physical and digital products as well as systems, processes, and user experiences,...

Systems Thinking

Coming soon!