Bharat Rastogi
Assistant Professor of Physical Geography • Terrestrial carbon cycle and climate feedbacks • PhD Oregon State University 2018
Physical Geography

Research Interests

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are fundamentally altering Earth's climate with wide ranging impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. The overarching goal of my research is to better understand the changing carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems: how these ecosystems respond to anthropogenic climate change and land management decisions, and in turn how those changes will feed back on the climate and affect human societies.

Current research

I employ a combination of ecosystem-scale measurements, regional-scale data assimilation models, and remote sensing to investigate problems to answer research questions. 

At the ecosystem-scale I use direct observations of carbon and energy fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere to understand ecosystem-scale processes. In addition, I make measurements of a trace gas called carbonyl sulfide, which carries powerful information about photosynthesis and the regulation of water loss from plant leaves (stomatal conductance). My current research also includes measuring canopy temperatures using thermal infrared cameras, and using measurements of diffuse light to understand the role of clouds and smoke in regulating land-atmosphere carbon and water exchange. 

Direct flux observations do not exist at scales larger than 1 km2. To constrain biome-wide responses to anthropogenic climate change, I use measurements of CO2 concentration (like the measurements that make the famous Keeling curve), and other related tracers (such as the stable isotopologue of CO2- 13CO2) made by NOAA's Global Monitoring Lab, and satellite retrievals of CO2, in combination with models of data assimilation- typically called 'Atmospheric inversions'. 

Recently Taught Courses:

  • Fall 2024  GEOG 3251  Mountain Geosystems
  • Spring 2024  GEOG 3301  Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations

Prospective students 

I am looking for motivated graduate students to apply to work with me on projects spanning both ecosystem-scale measurements and biome-scale modeling. Please email me if you are interested in applying to CU Boulder Geography to hear more about ongoing projects and potential for funded positions as a teaching assistant or research assistant. I’m also happy to explore potential project ideas with graduate students. Initial contact emails should include your CV/resume, a general description of your background and interests, and an explanation of your reasons for pursuing graduate school.

I am currently looking for graduate students to start in Summer or Fall 2024. In addition, I highly encourage you in learning about fellowships to attend graduate school, for example the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship or NASA FINESST. I’m happy to discuss proposal ideas, guide you through the proposal writing process and provide feedback on proposals. 

There is important information related to graduate admissions at CU Boulder Geography here, along with additional information on curriculum here. Please explore the related information on the graduate program on the CU Geography website.