Photo of the Moon in ultraviolet light by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope carried by the Astro-2 Shuttle mission in March 1995. 

Blue Moons

Aug. 1, 2023

You’ve probably heard the phrase, "...once in a blue Moon." The expression refers to something that doesn’t happen very often. But, what does it really mean? And, does the Moon actually turn blue? The full lunar cycle takes 29.5 days, so typically there aren’t two full Moons within the same...

Graphic from Sky Safari showing the southern horizon with large constellation of Scorpius with the Milky Way


July 25, 2023

Have you spotted the Scorpion crawling along the southern sky? Scorpius is a very large constellation, but won’t cause you any harm. And, it actually resembles it’s namesake. Be sure to admire Antares, the red stellar heart before this impressive creature crawls away in fall. Graphic credit: SkySafari app

Graphic credit from Stellarium showing the western horizon with the crescent Moon, Mercury to lower right, Venus to lower left, Mars to upper left and constellation of Leo during sunset

Cluster of celestial wonders

July 19, 2023

Grab your binos and enjoy a cluster of celestial wonders in the western sky. You won’t have to shift your gaze much in order to see the waxing crescent Moon, bright Venus to the lower left and dim Mercury to the lower right. Regulus, the brightest star of Leo is...

Graphic from Sky Safari showing the eastern horizon with several constellations including Delphinus, Cygnus the swan, Aquila the eagle and Vulpecula the Fox. Milky way is also visible.


July 12, 2023

Dreaming of the beach? You don’t have to go far to spot a Dolphin in the sky. Delphinus swims along the shore of the Milky Way while Cygnus and Aquila fly overhead. You might also spot a fox crossing the water. Summer is the perfect time to jump in and...

Graphic from NASA Eyes on the Solar System web-based app showing the inner solar system with planets on July 6


July 6, 2023

Happy aphelion Earthlings! Earth is farther away from the Sun today than any other time of the year - 94.5 million miles away. Learn more about the exact positions of the planets and locations of various spacecraft with NASA's Eyes on the Solar System web-based app.

Photo from NASA showing two halves of the moon, left one larger supermoon and the right half smaller micromoon


July 3, 2023

Up for an observing challenge? Check out the Moon tonight. It’s the first of four Full Moons that are considered SUPERMOONS. Keep your streak going by observing the Moon again on August 1st, August 30th and September 28th. What is a supermoon? The Moon’s orbit isn’t circular, it’s more of...

Graphic from Stellarium showing the western horizon with the silhouette of a farm and trees with Mars, the waxing crescent Moon and Venus forming a triangle

Summer Solstice and the Triangle

June 21, 2023

Happy Summer Solstice! It’s the longest day of the year for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. Stay out late and celebrate while watching the waxing crescent Moon, Venus and Mars as they form a triangle in the west. Graphic credit: Stellarium

Graphic from Sky Safari showing the eastern horizon the Milky Way rising above the silhouettes of trees

Milky Way

June 16, 2023

This is the perfect weekend to see the Milky Way galaxy! Get out of town and find a dark place to watch our galaxy rise on the eastern horizon. It’ll be visible starting at 11pm and as the night continues it’ll climb higher and higher. Eventually, you’ll see it stretching...

Graphic from Stellarium showing the western horizon with the silhouette of a tree with Mars, Venus and the Beehive cluster

Venus and the Beehive

June 13, 2023

Look to the west tonight to see Venus and Praesepe, the Beehive cluster in Cancer the Crab. One of the nearest open clusters to us, its hundreds of stars dazzle when viewed with a telescope. Graphic credit: Stellarium

Graphic from Stellarium showing the eastern horizon with trees and the Moon and Antares in Scorpius

Full Moon and the Scorpion

June 3, 2023

Watch the Full Moon rise tonight next to Antares, the heart of the Scorpion! Antares is a red supergiant about 550 light years away. The enormity of this star is hard to grasp. If it were dropped into our solar system and replaced the Sun, it would extend out to...
