Photos of Jupiter, Moon and Saturn from NASA not to scale

The Thunder Moon

July 23, 2021

Night owls watch the Moon play with Jupiter and Saturn this weekend! Tonight, the nearly full Moon rises slightly before the giant planets. Saturday, the full Moon, known in July as the Thunder, Hay, or Buck Moon will be placed between Saturn (to the right) and Jupiter (to the left)...

Close up photo of a Sunflower on a summer day

The Sun

July 12, 2021

Our Sun, the powerhouse of the solar system and life-giving orb in our sky is approximately 93 million miles away and it takes 8.3 minutes to receive its energy and warmth. Fun Fact: This is easily calculated by dividing 93,000,000 miles by 186,000mps (speed of light in miles per second) = 500 seconds.

Screen capture from the app SkySafari Pro showing the western sky with Leo the Lion, the crescent moon, venus and mars

Twilight Dazzles

July 11, 2021

Twilight in the western sky dazzles us with celestial wonders for the next few days! Venus blazes brightly at -3.9 magnitude and nearby Mars is fading to 1.8 magnitude. The waxing crescent Moon steals the show on Sunday then exits left Monday and Tuesday. Grab your binoculars and search for...

Picture in dome of Fiske of the Full Moon with grasses in the foreground

Full Moon

June 24, 2021

Enjoy the Full Moon on June 24th! It's a great time to take a night hike with friends. #funfact Full moons that fall within the month of June are called Rose or Strawberry moons.

Photo of sunshine coming through cottonwood trees

Summer Solstice

June 20, 2021

Soak up them rays! It’s the longest day of the year for those of us north of the equator. Enjoy 15 hours of sunshine! Solstice occurs at 9:32p.m. MDT. More info on Sky & Telescope's Sky at a Glance .

Milky Way in the Sky with the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado in view

Colorado Dark Skies

June 9, 2021

Looking for dark skies this summer? Grab a red flashlight + telescope or binos and check out these International Dark Sky Parks in Colorado: Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park Dinosaur National Monument Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve Hovenweep National Monument Jackson...

Chart from Sky & Telescope article of the times and totality for the Moon

Total Lunar Eclipse

May 24, 2021

How much do you love the Moon? Willing to get up early Wednesday? What about driving east of Boulder? If you’re willing, your commitment will be richly rewarded with seeing the first total lunar eclipse in 2+ years. The full Moon will set behind our glorious Rocky Mountains during totality...

Image of Tonight's sky with the ecliptic from Stellarium

Colorado Sunsets

May 18, 2021

Enjoy watching our beautiful Colorado sunsets? Stay for the twilight encore as Venus joins Mercury in the west-northwest. Mars can be spotted a bit higher up + the waxing Moon makes an appearance along with Regulus in the constellation of Leo.

Lights out colorado logo with birds and stars

Lights Out Colorado

May 4, 2021

The International Dark-sky Association & Denver Audubon have teamed up for Lights Out Colorado . 80% of birds in North America migrate at night. Coloradans can save millions of birds as they migrate over our state, keep our skies darker, & save energy w/ 2 simple steps: Shield outdoor lights...

Photo of the Full Moon with some clouds Photo Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky  

Full Pink Moon

April 27, 2021

Did you catch the Full Pink Moon last night? If not, don’t worry, it’ll still appear big and bright tonight too. Grab your binos or small scope and check out Sky & Telescope’s 7 Easy Things to See on the ‘SuperMoon.’ If it rains, you can always catch the next...
