Dear Faculty Relations – With so much emphasis on student wellness, how can I also support faculty in utilizing what’s available to prioritize their personal health and wellness? – Trying to Lead by Example 

Dear Trying – The first step to supporting your employees in managing their health and wellness is knowing what opportunities exist. WorkWell's CU’s employee wellness program, which strives to advance a culture of whole-person wellness for university faculty and staff. Rather than just encouraging employees to seek out programs or services, try bringing wellness directly to them.  

  • Request the WorkWell wagon to come to your office or department meeting. With multiple wellness themes to select from, you can choose an option that relates to the time in the semester such as staying healthy during cold/flu season, acupressure and stress relief, the science and practice of gratitude. 

  • WorkWell partners with FSAP and Health Promotion to offer workshops and events for all staff and faculty; if you would like to offer a workshop or training specifically for your area, we can work with you to tailor the content for your unit.  

  • AcademicLiveCare (ALC) is CU Boulder’s free, no co-pay telehealth platform that allows staff and faculty to schedule and attend mental health and medical appointments from home, the office, or wherever you are on the go (even if you are out-of-state for a conference or spring break!) This service is a free supplemental platform to your regular health insurance plan. 

Written by Jess Morris, MS, Program Director for Employee Wellness and Engagement, Health and Wellness Services, February 2024