Could your team be more cohesive, more connected? Learn how to facilitate Circle Process dialogues that can strengthen a sense of community and trust.

The Circle Process is a facilitated dialogue through which participants share and reflect upon their experiences as they relate to a topic or context. Participants are seated in a circle and respond sequentially to questions prompted by the facilitator(s). The circle differs from traditional discussions or conversations within groups by providing each participant the opportunity to speak uninterrupted. While one person is speaking, other participants are encouraged to listen deeply and engage with other’s perspectives. The process begins with a focus on building connection between participants before moving on to topic-driven dialogue. The process also serves to clarify context and intent related to participant’s experiences and perspectives, thus avoiding the misunderstandings and assumptions that often arise in unstructured conversation. 

The Circle Process is valuable for its ability to elicit individual perspectives, allow for meaningful reflection, strengthen community, and alter normative dynamics of communication. Often in traditional conversation, individuals may feel uncomfortable sharing their full experience and may truncate their thoughts due to social pressures. The circle slows this process down and encourages participants to bring their full experience to the dialogue. By encouraging listeners to focus on what is being said by others as opposed to their own intended response or rebuttal, the circle process draws out common experiences and perspectives that can be reflected on as a group. By calling on all individuals to engage with other’s experiences, the sense of community amongst the participants is strengthened.

This is a live, instructor-led, online workshop. It is held via Zoom. There is NO COST for this training. For questions, please contact Suzanne Soled, Director of Faculty Development and Support.

Next Training Dates

Thursday, July 22, 10:00am-12:00pm & 1:00-3:00pm