Professor of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan; Co-Founder, The Weather Underground
2018 Speaker

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Perry Samson is a professor at the University of Michigan in the College of Engineering Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering in the College of Engineering and Professor in the School of Information. Prof. Samson has been honored as an "Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship" for his contributions to undergraduate education and has been named “Professor of the Year” in the State of Michigan. His coursework has been cited as one of ten “Courses with a Twist” by the New York Times.

As an entrepreneur he is a co-founder of TThe Weather Underground and LectureTools, which acquired by Echo360 and incorporated into the Active Learning Platform. More recently he has co-founded the Wireless Indoor Location Device (WILD) Learning Platform that promote development of multi-user learning activities using real-time data on learners' locations, compass orientation and verticality.