Every Tuesday former all-conference football player Stan Hendrickson (Econ’47) meets past CU players and coaches for coffee. “It’s the bright spot in my life,” he told the Denver Post. Bill Kucera (PE’56), who played a decade after Stan, drives him to ensure he gets to every meeting. Stan played for CU from 1941-42 before serving in World War II. While in New Guinea, he received a telegram revealing he was drafted by the Detroit Lions. An injury from the war left him unable to play, so he pursued a business career. He lives in Boulder.
Posted Jun. 1, 2012
To honor John Egan (Acct ex’47) for more than 65 years of loyal service to the village of Lombard in Illinois, the village’s board of trustees proclaimed March 21, 2014, “John Egan Day.” John was instrumental in the Jaycees, the Lombard Park District, the Lombard Historical Society and was named Lombard Man of the Year in 1967. He celebrated his 90th birthday on March 16. He writes, “As a grad of the business school in 1947, I thought you might like to hear about the results of your education.” John and his wife moved to Lombard in July 1947 where they raised five children.
Posted Jun. 1, 2014
Only a year after John Egan (Acct ex’47) left CU-Boulder, he moved to Lombard Village, a suburb of Chicago. He still calls the place home 66 years later. And since earlier this year, Lombard residents officially call March 21 “John Egan Day,” in recognition of his more than six decades of loyal service to the town. John, who celebrated his 90th birthday March 16, was also named Lombard Man of the Year in 1967.
Posted Sep. 1, 2014
Mary Grills Broadhurst (Engl) has written a number of short stories and reminiscences. One of her recent stories was featured in the book World Wars - Memories and Reflections of Boca Grande Families, which was published by the Boca Grande Community Center in Florida. Mary lives in Denver.
Posted Jun. 1, 2017