Senior Design Projects 2014-2015
Course Coordinator: Dale Lawrence
Course Assistant: Ryan Slabaugh
Professional Advisory Board (PAB): Dale Lawrence, Jelliffe Jackson, Trudy Schwartz, Matt Rhode
10 Teams:
- Surrey Satellite Technology US: ETHOS Earth Horizon Sensor
- Objective: Low cost imaging horizon sensor for small spacecraft
- Northrop Grumman: BLISS Boundary Layer In-Situ Sensor System
- Objective: Wind sensing UAV for validating local atmospheric model s
- Air Force Research Laboratory/CU: MEDUSA Methane Engine Design for Unmanned Small Aircraft
- Objective: Engine control and fuel delivery for methane conversion of a small gas turbine engine
- South West Research Institute: ASTERIA Aloft Stratospheric Testbed for Experimental Research on Infrasonic Activity
- Objective: High altitude balloon infrasound sensor for meteorite detection
- CU AES: MODEFLIER Mode-Demonstrating Flying Laboratory: Instruction and Experiment in Real-time
- Objective: UAV for demonstrating aircraft dynamic modes in undergraduate flight dynamics courses
- NASA Langley: SPECTRE Solar-sail Pitch Enabling Controller through Root Excitation
- Objective: Solar sail blade damping control for a cubesat-scale heliogyro propulsion system
- Ball Aerospace: STATIS Systematic Testbed Apparatus for Thermal Infrared Sensors
- Objective: Non-contact temperature sensor testbed for spacecraft applications
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): RACER RAppelling Cave Exploration Rover
- Objective: Child rover with vertical descent capabilities for planetary exploration
- Lockheed Martin: PHOENIX Cubesat Infrared Camera
- Objective: MWIR camera, optics, and thermal control system for asteroid spin sensing
- RECUV: ANACONDA ANtenna with Autonomous, CONtinuous, Data trAnsfer
- Objective: Stand-alone, autonomous tracking antenna for communicating with a UAV